Hardware Wallet D’CENT Offers Multiple Ways Which Can Help Users Bypass Crypto Exchanges

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Hardware Wallet D’CENT Offers Multiple Ways Which Can Help Users Bypass Crypto Exchanges

UPAPASHO NDABA ZEKHAMPANI. D’CENT Hardware Wallet recently added a new user-focused uphawu named ‘Exchange’ under the platform’s ‘Discovery’ tab menu, allowing users to exchange multiple network cryptocurrency assets with only a few clicks. Furthermore, users may acquire cryptocurrencies using their credit cards directly from the ‘Buy Cryptocurrency’ tab, thereby bypassing the need for crypto exchanges.

Details about the wallet

D’CENT provides three types of wallets, namely ‘Biometric’, ‘Card Type’, and ‘App’, all of which are handled through a single D’CENT mobile application that is fully compatible with both iOS and Android smartphones.

D’CENT users may convert their cryptocurrencies into supported coins using the ‘Exchange’ menu and can purchase crypto via the ‘Buy Cryptocurrency’ options without using traditional exchange services as aforementioned. In this way, D’CENT has effectively eliminated the need for users to register their crypto wallet addresses which means that they are given an easy and safe user experience, since these services shall instantly recognize D’CENT wallet addresses which would help make the entire process both quicker and more seamless.

What makes the wallet so special?

Apart from the aforementioned features, D’CENT will also be working alongside the ChangeNOW and Changelly crypto exchanges, as well as Simplex, Wyre and MoonPay for the purposes of buying crypto assets. D’CENT wallets also currently support over 40 main network coins. Additionally, more than 20 main network oriented decentralized application (Dapp) services are also supported via the ‘Discovery’ tab.

NFTs based on Ethereum, Polygon, Klaytn, Luniverse and HECO can also be managed through the wallets. In addition, D’CENT will focus on incorporating different features which will be verified via the wallet in order to provide both enhanced user focus alongside an intuitive user experience based on blockchain services. Lastly, Metamask integration for PC and support for upto 100 main networks will also be prioritized going forward.

About D’CENT

D’CENT Wallet is a safe, easy to use, and reliable hardware wallet that boasts enhanced crypto protection built on the highest security standards. IoTrust developed D’CENT Wallet as a startup built by security professionals with more than 15 years of security and technical expertise in designing deeply embedded security solutions focused around secure-chip technology (SE and TEE). Essentially, D’CENT Wallet combines hardware and software and security methods to safeguard users’ digital assets.

For more information, check out the official website as well as the Twitter, phakathi, YouTube kwaye Facebook iziteshi.

iPhone https://apps.apple.com/kr/app/dcent-hardware-wallet/id1447206611

Android ‘디센트 – 블록체인 암호화폐 지갑’에 대해 알아보세요 – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kr.iotrust.dcent.wallet


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Umthombo wo kuqala: Bitcoin.com