Ingoma kaJimmy kunye noSamson Mow Vs. I-Vitalik Buterin, i-Battle Royale e-LABITCONF

By Bitcoinist - kunyaka oyi-1 eyadlulayo - Ixesha lokufunda: imizuzu emi-4

Ingoma kaJimmy kunye noSamson Mow Vs. I-Vitalik Buterin, i-Battle Royale e-LABITCONF

The fact that Jimmy Song and Samson Mow were in the same bill as Vitalik Buterin was interesting enough, but the actual panel was the equivalent of an atomic bomb blowing the stage up. What started as a discussion about the FTX collapse and saga, turned into a heated debate about bitcoin Vs. Ethereum pretty quickly. It was a spectacle. And Song and Mow ensembled into some kind of bitcoin killing machine right before our eyes. 

Masiqale ekuqaleni, nangona kunjalo. 

Besides the already mentioned characters, Ripio’s Juan Llanos and Kraken’s Alejandro Palantzas completed the panel. The moderators were Rodolfo Andragnes and Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar, Co-founder of the Bitcoin Argentina NGO. At first, Llanos tried to explain the FTX saga in a polite way. It was a stressful situation and mistakes were made, he said. However, Samson Mow wasn’t having it. “The main problem is that they built their business on a sh*tcoin,” he said. Vitalik laughed. Everything was fine. 

"The main problem is that they built their business on a shitcoin", explains @Uvuko malunga #FTX's collapse at the main stage of @labitconf

Baxelele, mphathi! #LABITCONF @JAN3com @BFXLeosESP

— Javier ₿astardo @ (@criptobastardo) Novemba 11, 2022

Ngokutsho kukaMow, “oku akunanto yakwenza nabalawuli. I-FTX yayilele nzulu ebhedini kunye nabalawuli, ”eyona nto ibalulekileyo. USam Bankman-Fried wayenobuso bokufunxa urhulumente ukuba enze lonke ishishini le-crypto lilawuleke ngakumbi. Ime phi ngoku loo ntshukumo? Emva koko, uJimmy Ingoma waya phezulu kwaye wathi ewe, yonke loo nto yenzekile, kodwa eyona ngxaki kukusetyenziswa kweenkonzo ezisembindini njengabagcini. Njengoko isaci sakudala sisithi: Ayizizo izitshixo zakho, hayi iimali zakho. 

Ukuthi ga, kuhle. Kodwa kwakusele kukho uxinzelelo emoyeni ...

Ingoma kaJimmy kunye noSamson Mow Vs. UVitalik Buterin

Finally, it was Vitalik’s turn. He criticized Bankman-Fried’s megalomania and compared the FTX billboards and the stadium naming to the behavior of dictators from the last century. Vitalik explained how the FTT racket worked, and Samson Mow dropped the bomb. Mow said that a lot of what Vitalik was saying also applies to Ethereum and all hell broke loose.

Umodareyitha, u-Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar, wazama ukugcina izinto zigxile kwi-FTX kodwa akazange aphumelele. Ikati ibiphumile ebhegini. UGutiérrez Zaldívar wabuza uSamson Mow ngenkcazo ye "sh * tcoin" kunye neBlockstream yangaphambili ichaze i-Ethereum kunye nokusebenza kwayo ngelixa uVitalik ebukele ngokungakholelwa. "Ingxaki ngeesh*tcoins kukuba bazenza ngathi baphantsi kolawulo ngelixa bebaleka eAmazon, ubukhulu becala, kwaye akukho mntu unokuqhuba indawo."

'Shitcoin' definition, by @Uvuko @ @labitconf #LABITCONF @JAN3com

— Javier ₿astardo @ (@criptobastardo) Novemba 11, 2022

Ngokutsho kukaJimmy Ingoma, ukuwa kweFTX isifundo sokwenyani yayikukuba abantu kufuneka bazigcine kwaye baqinisekise ukuthengiselana kwabo, ixesha. Ingoma yagxeka inkcubeko ye-Altcoin yokuthembela kunye nokungaqinisekisi. “Kufuneka ufunde indlela yokuqinisekisa izinto zakho, kwaye ukuba awusifundi eso sifundo wonakele. Yinto nje yexesha. ”

Since it was two against one, Gutiérrez Zaldívar took it upon himself to protect Vitalik and Ethereum. He didn’t do a very good job. He gave Alejandro Palantzas the word and Palantzas said there’s a reason companies like Kraken and Coinbase are still in business 10 years later. They have resisted the temptation to print their own token or “sh*tcoin,” and “they didn’t do it because it’s morally wrong.” According to Palantzas, all the scammers in the space don’t understand what bitcoin ngokwenene kunjalo. Bitcoin “is freedom, it’s liberty.”

Itshathi yamaxabiso e-BTC ye-11/16/2022 kwi-Bitstamp | Umthombo: BTC / USD kwi

Mow Uthelekisa Altcoin World A Casino

When Samson Mow defined “sh*tcoins,” he said that they advertised themself as decentralized when they had an obvious issuer. Vitalik challenged him asking if Satoshi was bitcoin’s issuer. Mow responded that what Satoshi did was set up a number of rules that a lot of people followed, which is not the same as being a central issuer. Neither Mow nor Song stated the obvious, that Satoshi is not among us while Vitalik and other altcoin CEOs are. And their influence over the protocols they preside over is immense. 

U-Vitalik wayenento yakhe enkulu yobusuku ngelixa wayethetha ngokuzigcina ekulungele abantu abaqhelekileyo. Wahamba ngendlela ekholisa abantu kwaye wathi lonke ishishini kufuneka lisebenze kunye ukwenza oko kwenzeke, kwaye uluntu lwaqhuma. UMow wathi, ngokuchaseneyo nenkolelo eqhelekileyo, ukuzigcina kulula. Abantu kufuneka balandele imiyalelo ye-wallet ye-hardware. UJimmy Ingoma uye phambili kwaye wathi ukuba abantu abafuni ukwenza umgudu kwaye bafunde izinto ezimbalwa, abafanelanga "imali yokuzimela." 

Kwakhona, iNgoma yaya kumqala womdali we-Ethereum ngokuthi "Ndiyazi ukuba awufuni ukuva oku, ndiyazi ukuba ufuna ukunika imali yakho kuVitalik." Kuloo nto, uVitalik waphendula ukuba akathembi nakaVitalik ngemali yakhe, kwaye wachaza ukusekwa kwe-4/6 ye-multi-sig wallet. Yayihlekisayo, kodwa yawubaleka umbuzo wokwenyani. Ngaba usembindini we-Ethereum okanye akunjalo?

Ukuphelisa iphaneli engathandekiyo kodwa eyonwabisa kakhulu, uGutiérrez Zaldívar uvale ngeyona nto yakhe ibetha kakhulu ebusuku. Uthe imibuzo evulekileyo ihleli ukuba wonke umntu acinge ngayo, “kuba asinayo inyani, sabelana ngendlela yethu yokucinga kuphela.”

Ke, ucinga ntoni?

Featured Image: Song, Mow, and Buterin at LABITCONF, by Ed. Prospero | Charts by UkuThengisaView

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