INigeria inyanzelisa ii-CBDCs ngokunciphisa ukutsalwa kwemali kwi-ATM ngaphezulu kwe-225 yeedola ngeveki

Ngu-AMB Crypto - 1 unyaka odlulileyo - Ixesha lokufunda: Imizuzu eyi-1

INigeria inyanzelisa ii-CBDCs ngokunciphisa ukutsalwa kwemali kwi-ATM ngaphezulu kwe-225 yeedola ngeveki

To further its “cash-less Nigeria” policy and promote the usage of the eNaira, Nigeria’s Central Bank’s Digital Currency, the country has dramatically curtailed the amount of cash that people and businesses can withdraw (CBDC). According to a 6 December circular from the Central Bank of Nigeria, people and businesses are now only permitted to withdraw […]

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