Crypto News Rewind 2021: Q4 - Pandora Papers, India's Regulatory Saga, Facebook to Meta and Other Rebrands

דורך CryptoNews - 2 יאָר צוריק - לייענען צייט: 1 מינוט

Crypto News Rewind 2021: Q4 - Pandora Papers, India's Regulatory Saga, Facebook to Meta and Other Rebrands

Here is what happened in the Cryptoworld in the last quarter of this year:
Total crypto market capitalization in Q4
And thus ended the year. Happy 2022. 
Read More: Crypto News Rewind 2021: Q4 - Pandora Papers, India's Regulatory Saga, Facebook to Meta and Other Rebrands

אָריגינעל מקור: קריפּטאָנעווס