学术界排除 Bitcoin读者并支持暴政

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:5 分钟

学术界排除 Bitcoin读者并支持暴政

The academic community must make the choice of honest intellectual consideration of Bitcoin or continued deliberate ignorance.

Bitcoiners are not welcome in academia.

Academics, including economic professors, overwhelmingly do not understand Bitcoin and represent it unfavorably (if they mention it at all). University professors are prone to favor Keynesian fiat economic systems due in part to a revolving door between academia and the IMF, World Bank, World Economic Forum (WEF), the Federal Reserve and more. Universities and professors are also financially incentivized through grants and financial support to promulgate economic theories in favor of more government control. Economics departments enforce group-think by selectively hiring professors who are less likely to dispute their fiat economic theories. I discussed all of this 在我之前的文章中.

这并不是说支持凯恩斯主义经济学的个别学者是腐败的。 大多数人通过诚实和合法的工作获得了他们的职位。 然而,学术界未能承认教授通常是中央计划者,因此从更集中的计划中获得经济和声望/权力。 因此,一个理性的人会期望教授中普遍存在有利于中央控制的法定经济系统的偏见。 不承认这种系统性偏见 is 非常不诚实。

In fact, there is systemic exclusion of Bitcoiners from academia. It has been done through a combination of university policies, socially enforced viewpoint-conformity and strong bias towards the fiat system and official narrative.

一长串观点——许多观点被学术界的小意识形态泡沫之外的大多数人所持有——现在被学术界内越来越受意识形态支配的学生、教授和工作人员所禁止。 现在,学生、教授和工作人员关闭、诽谤、威胁甚至暴力对待那些表达被认为过于冒犯的观点的人是很常见的。 经常打着“拯救生命”或“社会正义”或(最讽刺的是)“保护民主”的旗号, 演讲者和意见被禁止进入校园. It is rare for a university president to stand up to a woke mob. Bitcoiners in particular are prone to run afoul of the ever-changing woke pieties so rigorously enforced.

The viewpoints shown in the table below are frequently held and often quite important to Bitcoiners, including many of the foremost Bitcoin educators/experts. However, they are repressed in academia to varying degrees of severity. This leads to a systemic exclusion from academia of those who understand and value Bitcoin. The result, unsurprisingly, is widespread ignorance on all matters Bitcoin among the professoriate tasked with teaching students about the economy, human rights, geopolitics and the world. No Bitcoiner holds all the views shown in the table below, but most hold several of them. These views are held by Bitcoin人在 许多 高于一般公众或学术界的比率。

不仅 Bitcoiners often hold “cancelable” views that would bar them from university positions, but they tend to be unusually willing to express said disfavored views.

链接:“冠状病毒病疫苗“”大多数大学“”密谋 控制 我们生活的方方面面“”世界经济论坛的旋转门“”有毒的 Bitcoin 极简主义者“”巨大的百分比“”战斗错误信息 通过 社交媒体审查行为经济学理论” Links for: “代词“”暴力吓人未定义策略“”经常被解雇“”健康“”脂肪研究” Links for: “不向 COVID 剧院低头“”基督教价值观。” “Bitcoin 是清真的“”资本主义制度是最好的“”如果你想在学术界的等级中攀升,你需要小心批评思想,尤其是那些在各自领域处于领先地位、做出决定的人的思想……=


虽然我上面描绘的画面可能很黯淡,但几个世纪以来,学术机构在扩展人类知识和智慧方面发挥了重要作用。 不能否认他们对知识、艺术和教育的持续贡献。 然而,学术界需要承认,他们猖獗的意识形态整合和对合理观点的排斥是对学生的巨大伤害,与诚实追求知识相冲突。

排除 Bitcoiners from the academy and dishonestly degrading Bitcoin is a mistake. The result is a failure to fully prepare the student body for the economy and world of tomorrow.

然而,仍有很多理由对学术界抱有希望。 我最近非常荣幸和高兴地向 HxEconomics 社区, 一组由 杂种学派,一个由大学教授、管理人员、学生和工作人员组成的无党派组织,“致力于通过促进高等教育机构的开放式探究、观点多样性和建设性分歧来提高研究和教育的质量。”

作为践行其价值观的证明,经济学讨论组亲切地邀请了我,一个没有任何特殊证书的不知名的非学术人士,做题为“Overlooked Orthodoxy, Academia’s Bias Against Bitcoin.” In the fruitful informal discussion that followed, the small group of professors and students agreed my thesis was likely true. So now I ask Heterodox Academy and the academics everywhere who give a damn about intellectual integrity: Do you think there is an anti-Bitcoin orthodoxy in academia? Do my 两篇文章 有真理之环吗?

不幸的是,现在 Heterodox Academy 的会员人数(可能有 5,000 多人)似乎是学术界在关心公开讨论的决定性少数。 他们有自己的工作要做,要打破席卷学术界的普遍意识形态一致性,颠覆从数学到公共政策再到医学的学科研究的严谨性。

So academia, you have a choice: start honestly teaching and studying Bitcoin or become increasingly irrelevant as an obvious intellectual fraud. Many of your students have been learning from Bitcoiners for free online for years. They spot your ignorance or dishonesty immediately when you inflate Bitcoin’s energy use, downplay its utility, omit the inequality and fragility in fiat from your curricula, ignore the violence of the petrodollar and completely demonize Bitcoin as an economic system. Please open your minds to Bitcoin and the currently locked doors of the ivory tower to BitcoinERS。

这是汉娜·沃尔夫曼-琼斯的客座帖子。 表达的意见完全是他们自己的,不一定反映 BTC Inc. 或 Bitcoin 杂志.

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志