苹果公司的史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)知道发生了什么:“再也不会有第二个了 Bitcoin=

By Bitcoinist - 2 年前 - 阅读时间: 4 分钟

苹果公司的史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)知道发生了什么:“再也不会有第二个了 Bitcoin=

Apple 背后的技术天才 Steve Wozniak AKA The Woz 访问了 Yahoo! 财务谈天底下的一切。 他们将这篇文章命名为“史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克 (Steve Wozniak) 在《独角兽猎人》中接受加密推销,”尽管只有最后几分钟是关于那个的。 这就是加密货币的力量。 独角兽猎人 是一个类似于 Shark-Tank 的节目,内容是寻找新的投资机会。主持人 Brian Sozzi 问 Wozniak,“你是加密货币的信徒吗? 这是一个你会接受的音调吗?=

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The Woz proved his knowledge about the crypto space, about inflation, and about Bitcoin. However, he also spread some misconceptions. Let’s explore what the mind behind Apple thinks about the world Bitcoinist covers day after day. 

Truths About Bitcoin, With Steve Wozniak

Even though they asked him about crypto, The Woz quickly changed the subject to the king of the castle, Bitcoin. He started with “加密有很大的希望,”并表示区块链有可能颠覆“选举,甚至。“ 那是因为 ”它具有不可修改的非常可靠的格式。” 好的,到目前为止一切顺利。

然后,沃兹尼亚克谈到了每个人脑海中的概念:通货膨胀。 “Look at the U.S. dollar, the government can just create new dollars and borrow, and borrow. It’s like you never have it fixed, like Bitcoin。” 这就是真相,而且只有真相。 还有这个,“Bitcoin is mathematics, mathematical purity. There can never be another Bitcoin 创建。真正的数字稀缺性只能被发现一次。 这是一个很难理解的概念,但 The Woz 明白了。

Not only that, he gets why Bitcoin is a commodity. “Bitcoin doesn’t even have a creator that we know of. Bitcoin isn’t run by some company. It´s just mathematically pure. And I believe nature over humans, always.= Bitcoin is better compared to a natural force. Something that was discovered instead of created. 

Misconceptions About Bitcoin, With The Woz

当 Brian Sozzi 向他询问加密货币是否会扰乱人们的支付方式时,Wozniak 说:还有其他方法”并将它们与 Apple Pay、PayPal 和所有其他服务进行比较。 他认为唯一的区别是“加密有一点匿名性。” 然后,他展示了他的特权,“我不知道这是否正确。 我觉得你在生活中所做的一切,你都应该愿意站出来说:这是我在做这笔交易。 加密很难追溯到谁在做什么。 不过也有可能。=

At least he says he doesn’t know. Well Woz, the difference between all those services and Bitcoin is that the latter is permissionless. Everybody can use Bitcoin. You need to be connected to the banking system in order to use all of those payment methods. The bankless are usually the most vulnerable members of our society, and that’s the people Bitcoin is helping. Some of those individuals live under oppressive regimes. In those situations, you can’t just say “这就是我,做这笔交易。” 匿名有帮助。 而且,所有交易都永远注册在区块链中。

FTX 上的苹果价格走势图 | 来源: TradingView.com


然后,沃兹尼亚克进入政府控制。 “我喜欢像 Jack Dorsey 这样的人谈论“加密应该是我们业务往来的核心。” Let’s stop you right there, Woz. Dorsey talks about Bitcoin in particular, not crypto. But carry on. “问题是,政府永远不会让它脱离他们的控制。 如果一切都在加密中完成,并且没有通过政府进行观察和征税等等,不,政府只会禁止它。 他们不会放弃自己的权力。 这就是心脏和很多力量的来源,美元。=

It IS out of their control, though. That’s exactly what a decentralized system is. You can’t stop Bitcoin, you can’t ban Bitcoin. You can, nevertheless, ban yourself from Bitcoin. That’s what the Chinese did. Let’s see how the future judges that decision. You can also stop and ban any other cryptocurrency. They all have superstar creators, PR departments, and a lot to lose.

The Woz 知道,在 2018 年 采访CNBC,他说:

“仅有的 bitcoin is pure digital gold… and I totally buy into that. All the others tend to give up some of the aspects of bitcoin. For example, being totally decentralized and having no central control. That’s the first one they have to give up to try to have a business model.”


条条大路通通胀,沃兹尼亚克回到正题。 “如果有通货膨胀,你的房子在 10 年内上涨 40 倍,你会认为你是一个聪明的投资者。 不,你有一栋老房子。 你曾经拥有一栋新房子,但政府说它的价值的 90% 是收入,我们将对其征税。 政府从通货膨胀中扣除所有税收。” No argument there, Woz. We would only add that Bitcoin 解决该问题。 

相关阅读| Apple Co-Founder Says Bitcoin Is A “Miracle,” It’s Better Than Gold

对我来说,这是一种人造系统。 它不像科学、数学、逻辑和计算机编程。”为此干杯,史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克。

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