
By Bitcoin.com - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟


Advisors to the Kremlin have suggested that home crypto mining should be banned in Russia, or in some of its regions. The stated motive for the proposal is to prevent fires in residential buildings. Amateur miners have been blamed for high loads on the grid causing breakdowns and blackouts.

Energy Experts Want to Prohibit Mining Cryptocurrency in Russian Homes

能源委员会 国务院俄罗斯总统的咨询机构建议禁止在居民区铸造数字货币。 据当地媒体报道,其成员认为该措施将减少火灾隐患。

这个想法是完全禁止在该国的公寓楼和房屋中生产加密货币,或者至少在俄罗斯能源短缺的部分地区。 其中包括莫斯科和毗邻俄罗斯首都的莫斯科州。

与加密相关的活动是许多普通俄罗斯人的额外收入来源,尤其是在可以获得廉价电力的地方,但尚未受到监管。 一种 法案 俄罗斯议会下议院国家杜马目前正在审查为此量身定制的方案。

能源专家还建议联邦政府应授予地方当局对加密货币开采征收额外税的权力,日报 Izvestia 在一份报告中援引该委员会 XNUMX 月中旬举行的会议纪要。

国家杜马信息政策、信息技术和通信委员会成员 Anton Tkachev 认为,推动禁止在居民区和能源匮乏地区进行采矿是合乎逻辑的举措,因为工业采矿场已经消耗了大量能源。

He also emphasized that energy security is an acute issue, especially for small towns with insufficient budgets to fund the proper repair and maintenance of energy systems and facilities. As for private homes, there is also the risk of the mining equipment causing fires, the lawmaker added.


伊尔库茨克州 has become Russia’s hotspot for home mining as residents take advantage of some of the lowest electricity rates in the country, subsidized for the population, and set up crypto farms in basements and garages. According to media reports, mining hardware has been found at the places of 23 fires in the region during the first half of 2022 alone.

你认为俄罗斯当局会禁止在住宅区进行加密货币开采吗? 在下面的评论部分分享您的期望。

原始来源: Bitcoin