西班牙银行已注册 17 家加密货币公司,但仍缺少大牌公司

By Bitcoin.com - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟

西班牙银行已注册 17 家加密货币公司,但仍缺少大牌公司

根据西班牙法律,西班牙银行已将 17 家虚拟资产服务提供商纳入其自己的注册表中,加密货币交易所和托管提供商必须在其中列出才能运营。 上周包括了三家新公司,但加密生态系统中的大牌公司仍未注册。

西班牙银行加密货币登记处覆盖 17 家公司

西班牙银行虚拟资产服务提供商 (VASP) 注册 达到 上周有 17 家公司,其中包括另外 XNUMX 家加密业务。 该登记处 XNUMX 月份增加了几家交易所和托管公司,包括 Jobchain España、Jobchain Austria、Criptan Trade、Eurocoin Broker、Lemacoin Crypto Solutions、Bitpanda 和 Vottun。

这些公司的注册在 2 月份加速,大多数加密货币交易所注册的是希望确保自己符合西班牙法律的本地公司。 自从该银行去年开设注册中心以来,它已经增加了几家加密公司,从 BitXNUMXme 开始,这是 批准 in February. The registry now includes C.R. Tecnología y Finanzas, Bitcoininforme, Bit Base, Blox, Trade Republic Bank, Globalstar Technologies, Onyze Digital Assets, Bitgo Deutschland, and BTC 除上述公司外,直通欧洲。



While the registry has been very successful with local companies, making them register their operations and implementing the compliance tools for money laundering purposes, the reception by bigger international exchanges has not been as successful. Names like Binance and other large exchanges are still out of the list and are part of a list of exchanges currently in regulatory limbo.

Binance, specifically, has been named in a gray list issued by the Bank of Spain that includes cryptocurrency exchanges operating in the country. The company was recently 训斥 by the CMNV, the securities watchdog of the country, that ordered Binance to stop offering cryptocurrency-related derivatives, including futures contracts, to Spanish users of its platform.


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原始来源: Bitcoin