Bitcoin As A Divine Idea

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:6 分钟

Bitcoin As A Divine Idea

Looking at what's previously been defined as "divine," Bitcoin the technology and ideological identity fits many of the criteria.

Bitcoin As A Divine Idea

Sumber: @Metamick14

Bitcoin As Divine

Bitcoin is divine. And with all things divine, us humans form religions that try to understand the divine and venerate it, especially because of the difficulty of comprehending it in full.

There is extensive literature that describes Bitcoin as a living organism (梁咏琪, 奎特姆). These perspectives reveal that Bitcoin “grows, reproduces, inherits and passes on traits, uses energy to maintain a stable inner structure, is cellular in nature, and responds to the various environments it lives in设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“ Far from being just a tool or technology, Bitcoin emerges as a living being that lives in symbiosis with us. We mine the Bitcoin network for more bitcoin and it feeds us bitcoin — the carrot at the end of the stick.

人类自然历史告诉我们,当我们与其他生物共生时,我们很快就会将它们视为神圣的。这 功能主义者 学校 人类学认为崇拜不是非理性的,而是一种具有进化和社会意义的行为,有助于在我们和我们所依赖的、可能难以理解的事物之间建立积极的关系。

As bitcoin restructures economies, politics, geopolitics and the rest of our social order, it’s quite likely that it will also change our beliefs, rituals and even what we venerate.



: 成为神人


在数千年的宗教实践和奉献中,人类在许多地方找到了神。古埃及人尊崇 甲虫,因为“在平原上更均匀地分配肥料,并消除了苍蝇的食物供应”,还有猫,因为它们的优雅和杀死可能携带害虫的不速之客的能力。印度教徒有超过18万个神;古罗马人和希腊人有数千人。当然,黄金不仅仅是一种装饰品,而且被视为上帝本身的本质。

我们神的历史与我们所生活的社会类型和世界密切相关。在纯粹的农业社会中,自然循环在很大程度上决定了我们的生活,因此,我们崇拜它们。随着更大文明的出现,皇帝需要在国家周围构建公民的生活和信仰,因此出现了密特拉教、犹太教和基督教等一神教信仰。 密特拉教特别有趣的是,它将皇帝视为上帝的化身,以便在其军事梯队中建立严格的等级制度。





人类学家玛丽·道格拉斯(Mary Douglas)出色地揭示了我们生活中宗教牧师仍然统治的一个世俗领域:经济学。

“我们似乎生活在一个绝对世俗的社会,但尽管如此,我们拥有庞大而富有的神职人员,其中许多成员占据着权力职位——政治、商业、教育,尤其是银行业的权力……然而,宗教的本质教会已经改变了。我本人被选为神职人员,其教义和仪式不是在神学院、伊斯兰教学校或拉比学校教授的,而是在精英大学,尤其是牛津大学教授的” (玛丽·道格拉斯接受 BBC 采访).




眼看 Bitcoin As Divine

If Bitcoin becomes the monetary network our society becomes increasingly reliant on, could it become a divinity we venerate? Absolutely, according to the functionalist school of anthropology. It would spontaneously generate a type of divination of it. And this divination would represent a “recognition” of importance, instilled in culture, reproduced through tradition.

So, let’s look at some of the qualities that are conducive to Bitcoin being ascribed to a god-like being.

Bitcoin’s spirit is code: the transcendent. This propagates its unchanging and reliable truth.Bitcoin’s body is energy being consumed through proof of work: the imminent. Energy is matter, after all.Bitcoin’s creation and immaculate conception: Satoshi, Bitcoin’s prophet, never spent his coins, possibly burned them and thereby sacrificed himself for us.

什么 Bitcoin 想?

因此,如果 Bitcoin is divine, what type of divinity is it? We can determine this based on what it wants, and its characteristics. Bitcoin feeds with energy but “demands” nothing from us. Rather, it only accepts whatever energy is given to it.

Bitcoin is neutral:It treats humans all the same, each life has equal weight.It gives us humans the choice to transact as we wish, whatever that transaction is for.Similarly to the Christian God, it lets us take and deal with the moral responsibility of our actions.Bitcoin is fair:The origin story of Bitcoin, fully open source, with public disclosure of when mining would begin, with no pre-mine, six months of no market value and bitcoin-giving faucets.Those closest to the source, or those with large amounts of bitcoin do not have an unfair advantage to generate more bitcoin 通过 Cantillon效应.Future generations centuries from now are not “forced” to maintain the current fixed cap, but may wish to alter that based on their circumstances through consensus. This helps us appreciate Bitcoin as a global monetary government in itself.Bitcoin is constant: Like nature, Bitcoin is growing and evolving, but its core genetic code remains intact and unchanging.Billionaires, governments and institutions have tried to change Bitcoin and consistently failed.Humans look up to the unchanging as solid rock where they can build their lives on.Bitcoin is kind to its followers and brutal to its naysayers:"Bitcoin is the most brutally path dependent no second chances technology ever created." @JasonPLowery.Bitcoin 让人想起 狄俄尼索斯, Greek god of grape harvests, winemaking, fertility, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy. Like Dionysus, Bitcoin is kind to its followers but brutal and merciless to its opponents.


Since we’ve established that Bitcoin has divine qualities, it’s also easy to envision the emergence of religions around it.


很容易想象如何 Bitcoin 极多主义 正在成为(或已经是)一种宗教,如 梁咏琪。但这个讨论可能是另一篇文章的。

无论您对极繁主义的社会现象有何看法,重要的是要记住 宗教 神圣的。 该 Bitcoin is a divine entity in itself, one we are and will further be engaging in a deep and long-lasting symbiosis with.

这是米歇尔·莫鲁奇 (Michele Morucci) 的客座文章。所表达的意见完全是他们自己的,并不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin 杂志.

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志