Bitcoin 研究人员称算力达到每秒 400 Exahash,网络可能在 2025 年达到 Zettahash 时代

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Bitcoin 研究人员称算力达到每秒 400 Exahash,网络可能在 2025 年达到 Zettahash 时代

尽管 Bitcoin’s difficulty reaching an all-time high at 46.84 trillion, participants in bitcoin mining have kept the hashrate running stronger than ever before. According to statistics, on March 23, 2023, the hashrate reached a high of 400 exahash per second (EH/s). The 400 exahash equates to 0.4 zettahash or four hundred quintillion hashes per second. As the hashrate continues to climb, research analyst Sam Wouters at River Financial estimates that at the current growth rate, Bitcoin could reach the zettahash era “by the end of 2025.”

Reasons for the Increase in Bitcoin Hashrate: Insights from River Financial Analyst

两天前, 新闻 报道 that the difficulty of the Bitcoin network had increased for the third consecutive time in the last six weeks. The difficulty is now at an all-time high of around 46.84万亿 after increasing by 7.56% on March 23, 2023. On the same day, Bitcoin’s hashrate peaked at 400 exahash per second, representing an unimaginable four hundred quintillion hashes per second. Soon, Bitcoin’s hashrate will likely reach a single zettahash, which is equivalent to 1,000 EH/s or one sextillion hashes per second.

后 Bitcoin’s hashrate rose to 400 EH/s, research analyst Sam Wouters at River Financial 他收到了很多关于增加的询问。 Wouters 还估计,“按照目前的 2023 年增长率,我们将在 2025 年底达到 Zettahash。” 一些人质疑这种增长是由于民族国家还是秘密采矿作业导致了增长。 Wouters 说他发现“增加的算力不太可能主要来自民族国家。”

The analyst also acknowledged rumors of miners holding “significant inventories” of unused application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) miners. Wouters said that with BTC’s price increase, “more of this inventory has been able to go online.” The River Financial analyst also mentioned the use of hydro-powered ASIC units, which he said contribute “tremendous hashrate” and are estimated to have the highest average profitability at present. Wouters stated that he has written a 报告 on what mining in the zettahash era will look like when Bitcoin reaches the 1 zettahash milestone.

大河金融分析师 解释 目前哈希率的增加可能是由于多种因素造成的,例如“未使用的库存上线”、“新模型可用”、“更多设施投入运营”以及“聪明的企业家在监管机构干预之前找到低成本来源” ” 在 Wouters 2022 年 2.5 月的研究中,分析师表示,广泛的估计表明,目前大约有 5 至 11.2 万台 ASIC 矿机在运行。 研究表明,如果不提高矿工的效率,大约需要 1 万比特币才能支持 XNUMX zettahash 的哈希率。

您对...的未来有何看法 Bitcoin mining and its potential to reach the zettahash era? Do you think the industry will continue to see significant growth, or are there potential roadblocks that could hinder its progress? Share your opinions in the comments below.

原始来源: Bitcoin