Bitcoin 是纯粹的无政府状态

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 3 个月前 - 阅读时间:4 分钟

Bitcoin 是纯粹的无政府状态

对许多人来说,无政府状态是一个非常分裂的词,它本质上把这个想法带入了人们的头脑中,完全是无节制的混乱。这在任何层面上都不是无政府主义的含义。它只是一个缺乏统治者或中央权威的系统,所有合作和协调都是在系统中的同行之间纯粹自愿的基础上完成的。希腊语原词 anarhkia 的词源本身字面意思就是“没有统治者”。 An,意思是没有,arkhia,意思是统治者。

This concept is the foundational reality of why Bitcoin functions as a distributed network and protocol. There is literally no one in charge of the network. If there were, then it would not be a distributed system composed of sovereign individuals voluntarily choosing to interact with each other.

People tend to look at Bitcoin as some objective truth that functions as a frame of reference for human beings, that it exists in the same sense as the laws of physics. That is not true. This notion confuses the borders between objectivity, intersubjectivity, and subjectivity.


现在以美元的价值为例。美元本身就有价值吗?这是客观的事实陈述吗?它不是。美元对任何个人有价值的唯一原因是因为他们主观地重视它。为什么个人主观地评价美元?因为其他人也主观地评价美元。 本篇 是主体间性。

It is simply a subjective viewpoint shared amongst a large number of individuals. That is what Bitcoin is, a distributed intersubjective system. So what is the difference between Bitcoin and the dollar? 缺乏统治者和强制。美元体系有负责人,美联储,通过提供信贷实际发行新美元的商业银行,监管美元使用的政府机构以及可以与之互动的政府机构。它有税务机关 强制其用于支付您的纳税义务.

Bitcoin has no such equivalent rulers. It has no Federal Reserve board, it has no commercial banks that dictate when and in what quantities dollars are brought into circulation. It has no taxes that you are coerced into paying by anyone. It is simply a distributed set of economic actors voluntarily running a piece of code in order to interact with each other.

“但是, Bitcoin has rules.” Yes, it does. That people voluntarily opt into. There is no power structure or governance structure involved in creating those rules. They were put out into the world by Satoshi Nakamoto, and 每个人 从那一刻起谁加入了网络 自由选择采用这些规则。没有任何结构说“这些就是规则”。这只是一套每个人自愿选择完全遵循的规则。

Even changes to those rules that have occurred over the years, and there are quite a few of them, are purely voluntary in their nature. There was no governance structure or authority that imposed them on anyone. There are no “rules to change the rules.” Anyone at any time can step up into the social square and propose a new rule to add to the Bitcoin protocol and network. At any time people can choose to adopt that new rule, and if a critical mass of people do so, then it is now a rule of the network.

人们通常认为,由于协议和网络本身有规则,因此存在某种围绕其的“元规则”框架。必须遵循这些元规则才能改变系统本身的规则,或者是某种具有约束力的要求,以实现系统的某些目的或性质,而这些目的或性质不能随着时间的推移而改变或演变。这完全无法内化无政府主义体系的真实面貌。 除了人们自愿选择遵守的规则之外,没有任何规则.


这里没有权力可以上诉。除了共识规则本身之外,没有任何规则要求人们遵守,并且 即使不能要求或强制执行。你所能做的就是 抱有希望 人们出于自身利益而选择继续追随他们。任何时候,有说服力的个人或团体都可以说服其他人改变这些。如果发生这种情况, 除了尝试更有说服力之外,你对此无能为力.

That is what anarchy is. Free association devoid of any type of authority, or coercion, or control over who other people associate with, or under what terms they choose to associate. Bitcoin is anarchy, and if that fact disturbs you or instinctually makes you want to argue against it, then the reality is you never understood Bitcoin 首先。 

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志