Bitcoin 采矿:让世界电气化的途径

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 4 个月前 - 阅读时间:5 分钟

Bitcoin 采矿:让世界电气化的途径

在世界许多地方,获得电力是一种奢侈,我们常常认为这是理所当然的。例如,撒哈拉以南非洲地区 (SSA) 面临着严峻的挑战 电力短缺,结束了 600万人 没有电源。这种赤字导致经济停滞、粮食产量减少、贫困,甚至内乱。电力供应与经济增长之间的相关性是不可否认的,有电力供应的地区 电气化率低于80% consistently suffer from reduced GDP per capita. The challenge lies in expanding electrical infrastructure to these underserved areas, which is capital-intensive and often financially unfeasible for governments with limited resources. This is where Bitcoin mining is a potential solution that can offer a pathway to electrify regions that have long been without access to electricity.

Bitcoin mining has long been a subject of much controversy, with critics often focusing on its perceived environmental impact. However, beneath the 耸人听闻的头条新闻主流媒体叙事, lies a story of potential humanitarian benefits, and energy innovation. By harnessing stranded energy in remote locations, Bitcoin mining can provide a source of revenue for new power plants and thus support the construction of electrical grids.

Despite the ongoing mudslinging campaign against Bitcoin mining, knowledge of the importance of harnessing stranded energy for Bitcoin mining is slowly gaining traction. In fact, this is the story that is beautifully captured in the newly released and 屡获殊荣 记录, 搁浅:肮脏的硬币短片 by 阿拉娜·梅迪亚维亚拉·迪亚兹, which showcases how Bitcoin miners in places like SSA ingeniously repurpose stranded power, breathing life into both Bitcoin and forgotten power infrastructures.

In this article, we will explore the overlooked positive aspects of Bitcoin mining, compare its energy consumption to other industries, and make a case for how Bitcoin mining could potentially incentivize the discovery of new sources of energy and the build out of new energy infrastructure.


搁浅的能量 指某个地点存在但未有效利用或用于生产目的的能源。它本质上是由于各种原因(例如缺乏运输基础设施或能源生产和需求地点不匹配)而孤立或“滞留在”某个地点的能源。

例如,当开发新的电网时,特别是在偏远地区,能源基础设施可能会在需求赶上之前就已到位。这意味着,在消费者连接到电网之前,产生的能量将超过立即需要的能量, 使其“搁浅” and ultimately wasted until more users connect. This is a huge problem that Bitcoin mining can help to solve, and this area in particular is one of the major benefits of mining that Stranded explored in great detail.

In an interview Alana highlighted how Bitcoin mining, by monetizing excess energy in regions lacking traditional demand, acts as a financial catalyst for constructing vital grid infrastructure, thereby changing lives and challenging our perceptions of energy's societal impact. She elaborated on this further by saying, “我从未考虑过网格如何根据需求增长的概念。在影片中,我想表达的是,能够获得电力是一种巨大的荣幸,而且采矿业能够为以前从未有过电力的地方的新电网基础设施提供资金。”

以埃塞俄比亚为例。它有 产生的潜力 超过 60,000 兆瓦 (MW) 的电力来自“可再生”能源,但目前装机容量仅为 4,500 兆瓦。 90% 的电力 is generated from hydropower, with geothermal, solar, and wind making up the difference. However, the country still experiences acute energy shortages, with only 44% of its 110 million people having access to electricity. With projects like the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) under construction, which is projected to generate an additional 5,150 MW, the government expects to have a total of 17 000 MW of installed capacity in the next 10 years. The introduction of Bitcoin mining has the potential to fund these electricity infrastructure projects.

Dispelling Misconceptions About Bitcoin 采矿

One of the most common misconceptions surrounding Bitcoin mining is the notion that it consumes an exorbitant amount of energy, exceeding the energy consumption of entire countries. Critics often 指向报告 这表明 Bitcoin mining consumes more electricity than many nations, including Ireland, Nigeria, and Uruguay. The Bitcoin 能源消耗指数 据加密货币平台 Digiconomist 估计,每年的能源消耗量为 33 太瓦,与丹麦等国家相当。

However, it's important to dissect this critique and place it in the broader context of energy consumption. While it's true that the Bitcoin network's energy usage appears significant, it's essential to remember that energy consumption itself is not inherently bad. This critique tends to presuppose that energy is a finite resource and that allocating it to Bitcoin mining deprives other industries or individuals of this valuable commodity.

In reality, energy is a vital and expandable resource, and the notion of one usage being more or less wasteful than another is subjective. All users, including Bitcoin miners, incur a cost and pay the full market rate for the electricity they consume. To single out Bitcoin mining for its energy consumption while overlooking other industries is a fallacy. As Alana also pointed out, People hold as common misconceptions what the media commonly repeats about Bitcoin. Nobody is ever thinking about the energy consumption of the industries they interact with everyday.This is not a common figure that people know about things yet when it comes to Bitcoin, it sure is dirty because of all that energy consumption!“

比较 Bitcoin To Other Energy-Intensive Industries

To put things in perspective, let's compare Bitcoin mining to some other energy-intensive sectors that often escape similar scrutiny:

I don’t know about you, but I cannot recall the last time I heard complaints in the media about the paper and pulp industry's high energy consumption. In order to counter the myths surrounding “the dangers” of Bitcoin mining and its energy usage, a nuanced understanding of energy consumption is required. While it's crucial to examine the environmental impact of any industry, singling out Bitcoin mining for criticism while overlooking other energy-intensive sectors is a flawed approach.


Unlike any technology before it, Bitcoin mining incentivizes the exploration of cost-effective ways to harness energy, irrespective of geographic limitations or conventional energy constraints. This financial impetus could spark an energy revolution on a scale not seen since the Industrial Revolution, potentially propelling humanity to be a I型文明。阿兰娜也有同样的观点,当被问及她的下一个电影项目时,她说: 下一篇是关于我们如何使用波多黎各作为正在经历重大基础设施变革的失败者模型来实现 1 型文明。这是该岛历史上的关键时刻,可以作为世界各地失败电网的榜样。”

作为经济激励 推 Bitcoin 采矿 to saturate the energy sector, a convergence is occurring. Energy producers are monetizing surplus and stranded energy through Bitcoin mining, while miners are vertically integrating to enhance competitiveness. In the foreseeable future the most efficient miners could become energy producers themselves, potentially inverting the traditional power grid model. 

This is a guest post by Kudzai Kutukwa. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin 杂志。

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志