Bitcoin、人格与发展第四部分—— Bitcoin, 宗教与道德

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:13 分钟

Bitcoin、人格与发展第四部分—— Bitcoin, 宗教与道德

Bitcoin’s crowning achievement is the reintroduction of economic consequence. Like Old Testament God, it leaves no room for sin, lies or deceit.

这是《非共产主义宣言》一书的作者、 Bitcoin 时 和“与 Svetski 一起醒来播客”的主持人。

JBP 系列第 4 部分第 4 章。

该系列仍在继续。如果您还没有阅读第一章到第三章, 你可以在这里找到他们,当然,请确保您已阅读本章的第一部分、第二部分和第三部分。

以下未注明出处的引述均出自乔丹·B·彼得森 (Jordan B. Peterson) 博士之手。


We’re going to close this chapter out by reviewing Bitcoin’s relationship to religion, the Bible, and its semblance to Old Testament God through the reintroduction to economic consequence.

Bitcoin 宗教

忍者, whom I have deep respect for, recently said that he’s not seen a space or industry with more of a disparity between understanding and confidence, than Bitcoin.


尽管 Bitcoiners differ in that, I believe it’s actually a positive thing. This kind of disparity will naturally unnerve an engineer or a technician, but for the kind of phenomenon Bitcoin is, the existence of religious-zealot-like acolytes adds to its overall strength.


Bitcoin’s core principles representing “the good,” give it an aura of religious fervor that transcends the purely empirical domain of the technician. You have people willing to tie their identities to this thing come hell or high water, and for a phenomenon that must overcome the greatest collective lie of all time, this is the sort of moral, economic and memetic impetus that’s required.



一个宗教的 Bitcoin acolyte is often similar to a religious theistic acolyte in their belief of the discovery of some form of veil-piercing truth.

一开始他们只是盲目地模仿他们在推特上看到或听到的内容: “数字黄金”、“只有21万”、“抗审查”、“价值储存”、“库存流动”等。

They become dogmatically obedient to these ideas, often ignorant to their meaning and in some cases to their own detriment, but over time they have the opportunity to discipline themselves. They learn (via podcasts, articles, books, etc.) and transcend the frame of “dogmatic acolyte” to become the “sovereign Bitcoiner” i.e., the kind of person measuring their wealth in bitcoin, running a full node, CoinJoining, who understands the nuances of a BIP 并能有效地参与颠覆腐败的国家主义范式。


Bitcoin is that, and in many ways it’s a religious canvas against which we can paint our individual journeys toward sovereignty and truth.


Bitcoin and the story of Satoshi are poetically religious and mythic.

From the disappearance of the founder, to its stable, inert structure, and the offer of a form of economic salvation against the backdrop of an “evil” enemy, Bitcoin has all the ingredients for a narrative powerful enough for a critical mass of followers to emerge.






当然,这不会发生在每个人身上。对于其中每一项,都有 1000 名 Vitalik Buterins 和 Sam Bankman-Frieds 对独角兽更感兴趣,他们自己印钞票和煎 Beyond Meat 香肠。

Bitcoin is for anyone, but not for everyone.

For those with the necessary makeup, even the not-so-high-IQ of us, Bitcoin represents so much more than just a ticket to get rich quick or a technology. It’s a religion of sorts which if approached in the right way can enhance one’s understanding of self, deepen their relationships to that which matters most and ultimately make them a better person.




这在经典的想法中听起来是正确的, 不要告诉我你相信什么,让我看看你的银行账户,我会告诉你你相信什么。

彼得森博士在他的书《生活的 4 条规则》的第 12 章中进一步呼应了这一点:





Bitcoin is a new form of religion (and thus chapter in human history) because unlike prior attempts to distill and pass values, ideas and ledgers onward via the written or spoken word, we now have a network which resembles the physical direction of time (forward) as an incorruptible, imprintable medium on which these ideas can be recorded. 其结果是真正的经济反馈推动人们更好地适应社会(道德)。

Bitcoin shows you. It does not just tell you.

This is why I’ve said that a post-Bitcoin world will look very different to a pre-Bitcoin 世界。


虽然 Bitcoin white paper is not explicitly in the same form or category as one of these ancient writings, it has formed the theoretical basis for the practical manifestation of something that orients us implicitly toward heaven.

正如我在前面的章节中所解释的,它通过将生命的形而上学游戏与现实的物理界限融合起来来实现这一点。 或者换句话说,它的激励措施是,你必须采取道德行动,才能在更多的时间尺度上取得进展。


Bitcoin And The Bible

As I see it, like the Bible, Bitcoin has emerged from the depths of the collective human psyche.

Like the Bible, Bitcoin's origins are somewhat shrouded in unknowable detail and both involved multiple otherwise disconnected participants who each brought a key, or a portion of the whole, over time. Their emergence is irreproducible and much like the Bible, it's my belief that we will look back on Bitcoin’s genesis as something that directed the course of broader human society for millenia to come.


Bitcoin as money is the language of value, action and attention. This living, breathing network comprises not just digital nodes in the form of miners and computers, but human nodes in the form of users, thinkers, coders, writers, custodians, and entities of every kind.


“[圣经]是我们根本无法理解的过程的产物。圣经是一个由许多书籍组成的图书馆,每本书都由许多人撰写和编辑。这是一份真正的新兴文件——一个经过挑选、排序、最终连贯的故事,由任何人和每个人在数千年的时间里写成。 《圣经》是人类集体想象力从深处抛出来的,它本身就是难以想象的力量在深不可测的时间跨度下运作的产物。它仔细、尊重的研究可以向我们揭示我们所相信的东西以及我们如何做和应该采取的行动,而这些几乎是无法通过其他方式发现的。”


Of course much that we’ve already explored, so I’ll close out with an analysis on the “consequential” nature of Bitcoin 和上帝。

Bitcoin Is Like The Old Testament God.

While reading Chapter 4 of “12 Rules For Life” the similarity between Bitcoin and Old Testament God, via their relationship to consequence, dawned on me.



大多数人认为 Bitcoin is like New Testament God; some magical panacea to all of our problems and a pathway to a future “Utopia.”

It’s my contention that Bitcoin is far more like the complex, Old Testament God. When you stray from the path, when you disobey the covenants, injunctions and commandments of the natural way of things, then you, your children and your children’s children will suffer.

Old Testament God would bring his wrath upon you through plagues and famines, while Bitcoin will deliver it upon you through poverty and sharp economic consequences. The difference being that the former was a written or spoken warning for sinful behavior, while the latter is a direct result of the actions you take.

Don’t believe me? Go send your Bitcoin to the incorrect address or try calling “support” once you’ve lost your private keys. Or maybe you can try to contact the Bitcoin Central Bank to print more bitcoin to bail you out when you made a poor decision. Good luck with that.


The importance of texts like the Bible will continue to increase in a Bitcoin-dominated world because these lessons and stories are true. Not necessarily in the literal sense, but in the meta sense. They are modes of being, which if understood and integrated into your person, you, your children and children’s children have the opportunity to prosper.

Bitcoin is an economic manifestation of the consequential Old Testament God, and in the same way is a “force of nature.” They say that “Bitcoin just is” for a reason. Approaching it with a malevolent or scheming heart will only lead you to ruin. If you orient yourself as per the implied instruction you receive via direct economic feedback, or take note of the explicit instruction of the wise (i.e., the ancient texts), you may just prosper.

“他们是 wise. He was a Force of Nature. Is a hungry lion reasonable, fair or just? What kind of nonsensical question is that? The Old Testament Israelites and their forebears knew that God was not to be trifled with, and that whatever Hell the angry Deity might allow to be engendered if he was crossed was real.”




再次, Bitcoin is a manifestation of faith. Something so good has emerged from a social soil so toxic.

It’s done so because the roots of goodness run deep. Faith is what helps it flourish, and Bitcoin is a beautiful example of what’s possible when we take that seriously.


To believe that Bitcoin can win, is to have faith in the capacity for goodness to prevail. I’m not sure it’s something you can rationally calculate. Bitcoin history is littered with the corpses of those who thought they figured it out; whether on the side of Bitcoin or not. See everyone from Paul Krugman and Peter Schiff on the “against” side, or Plan B’s S2F or Willy Woo’s on-chain analysis, on the “for” side.

A belief in Bitcoin requires something more than empiricism. It’s perhaps why otherwise smart people (e.g., Eric Weinstein) who should be enthralled at its emergence, are instead bitterly engaged in its dissemination.


These people seem to be too cerebrally oriented to experience the holistic, practical perfection that is Bitcoin.

他们没有真正关注,因为他们太忙于“规范理论”并试图将其纳入自己的理性范式。或者他们是像莱克斯·弗里德曼(Lex Fridman)这样没有骨气的骑墙派,拒绝采取道德立场。




As you begin to take Bitcoin or Old Testament God seriously, you begin to orient yourself in such a way that goodness flourishes in your life.

As your faith pays off and rewards you for your honest, moral efforts, you find that not only does Bitcoin begin to feel like New Testament God, but that you have begun to embody the virtues so eloquently described throughout the ages, across all of the great scriptures.

你开始体现 善良。



Bitcoin is self-love.

当您输入 Bitcoin and let it enter you, your life begins to look and sound more meaningful, hopeful and optimistic.


这是希望。 Bitcoin 是希望。




USB MIDI(XNUMX通道) Bitcoin is a cult, as in, 文化的一个子集。

Bitcoin is a new, emergent culture, founded on a bedrock of core principles; Bitcoin principles, such as truth, integrity, transparency, freedom and responsibility.


Bitcoin may just be what tilts the world back toward a culture of greatness, morality, meaning and excellence — and I’m here for it.

这是一个客户后,由 亚历山大·斯维茨基(Aleks Svetski),“非共产主义宣言,”, 创始人 Bitcoin 时 和主持人 唤醒播客。 所表达的观点完全是他们自己的观点,并不一定反映BTC Inc或 Bitcoin 杂志.

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志