Calvaria: Duels of Eternity (RIA) 现已可在 LBank Exchange 交易

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Calvaria: Duels of Eternity (RIA) 现已可在 LBank Exchange 交易

互联网城,迪拜,8 年 2023 月 XNUMX 日,Chainwire

全球数字资产交易平台LBank交易所于8年2023月XNUMX日上线Calvaria: Duels of Eternity (RIA),面向所有LBank交易所用户,RIA/USDT交易对现已正式上线。

Based on the blockchain technology that gives players true digital ownership, Calvaria: Duels of Eternity (RIA) is a P2E battle card game set beyond the veil of death, in which players duel, earn and upgrade their cards to become the ultimate force on the battlefield. Its native token RIA has been listed on LBank Exchange at 11:00 UTC on February 8, 2023, to further expand its global reach and help it achieve its vision.

Introducing Calvaria: Duels of Eternity Calvaria: Duels of Eternity is a card game in which players compete in games using cards that represent different characters, each having their own unique sets of abilities. The player's goal is to defeat opponents using complex strategies and tactics in order to get rewards and various upgrades.

游戏的设计方式让每个玩家都能真正拥有游戏中的资源。 用户可以通过玩或参与所有游戏内活动来赚取这些。 所有这一切都是通过区块链技术实现的,它为玩家提供了真正的数字所有权。

该游戏将具有许多不同的游戏模式,以适应具有不同目标和偏好的玩家。 玩家将能够相互竞争并积累资产。 完成单人战役,赢得独特的卡片和升级,并参加季节性锦标赛。

The main currency of the game is the RIA token, which is the main component of the game's entire economy. The game will also introduce an additional way of interacting with the game mechanics and the economy in the form of NFT collections, whose tokens will give their owners a strategic advantage in competitions. Along with game resources, collectible NFT tokens will be fully owned by their possessors, which opens up additional opportunities on third-party NFT platforms, such as OpenSea, Rarible, etc.

The mission of Calvaria is to create the first effective ambassador between the "real world" and crypto, achieved by creating a fun and accessible game, which will be available on both mobile app stores and PC's. Utilizing in-game incentives and indirect encouragement users will be educated and guided safely as they take their first steps into the world of crypto.

About RIA Token RIA token is the main currency of Calvaria: Duels of Eternity project's ecosystem, serving to maintain the economic stability of the system. The main purposes of the RIA are to implement the in-game "Play and Earn" mechanics, as well as to provide users with a currency for making purchases in the in-game store. RIA tokens are also intended for staking and participation rights in voting on project management issues. These votes will be based on a decentralized autonomous organization. In addition, the token will provide the main reward for completing various seasonal tournaments, which will encourage players to take an active part in such events.


RIA代币已于UTC时间11年00月8日2023:XNUMX上线LBank交易所,对Calvaria:Duels of Eternity投资感兴趣的投资者现在即可在LBank交易所轻松买卖。 RIA代币登陆LBank交易所,无疑将有助于其进一步拓展业务,获得更多市场关注。

Learn More about RIA Token: Website | Telegram | Discord | Twitter | Medium | YouTube 

About LBank LBank is one of the top crypto exchanges, established in 2015. It offers specialized financial derivatives, expert asset management services, and safe crypto trading to its users. The platform holds over 9 million users from more than 210 regions across the world. LBank is a cutting-edge growing platform that ensures the integrity of users' funds and aims to contribute to the global adoption of cryptocurrencies.


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原始来源: CryptoDaily