能够 Bitcoin 解决我们的债务成瘾问题吗?

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:9 分钟

能够 Bitcoin 解决我们的债务成瘾问题吗?


玛格丽塔·格罗斯曼 (Margarita Groisman) 毕业于佐治亚理工学院,获得工业工程和分析学位。


Since modern capitalism's emergence in the early 19th century, many societies have seen a meteoric rise in wealth and access to cheap goods — with the party coming to an end years later with some sort of major restructuring triggered by a major world event, such as a pandemic or a war. We see this pattern repeat again and again: a cycle of borrowing, debt and high-growth financial systems; then what we now call in America “a market correction.” These cycles are best explained in Ray Dalio’s “经济机器如何运作。” This article aims to examine whether a new monetary system backed by bitcoin can address our systematic debt issues built into the monetary system.

历史上有无数的例子可以说明利用债务和印钞来解决金融危机的长期问题。 日本的通货膨胀 第二次世界大战后,由于印制财政债务货币化, 欧元区债务危机,而中国似乎正在开始,从 恒大危机 房地产市场价格崩溃,不幸的是,还有很多很多的情况。







欢迎使用部分准备金银行业务。货币乘数系统的现实情况是,银行平均放贷 现金多十倍 比他们实际存入的金额要多,每笔贷款实际上都凭空创造了金钱,而这只是一个偿还承诺。人们常常忘记,这些私人贷款实际上创造了新的货币。这种新货币被称为“信贷”,它依赖于这样的假设:只有极小比例的储户会一次提取现金,而银行将收回他们的所有贷款和利息。如果超过 10% 的储户试图立即提取资金(例如,某些因素导致消费者恐惧并提款,或者经济衰退导致贷款人无法偿还贷款),那么银行就会倒闭或需要救助出去。





The more fundamental problem is a built-in growth assumption. For this system to work, there must be more students willing to pay for the increasing costs of college, more people looking to deposit and get loans, more home buyers, more asset creation and constant productive improvement. Growth schemes like this don’t work because eventually the money stops coming and individuals don’t have power to effectively transfer the spending power of the population to pay these debts like banks do.



能够 Bitcoin Address These Issues?

有人说 bitcoin is the solution to these problems. If we move to a world where bitcoin is not just a new form of commodity or asset class, but actually the foundation of a newly-decentralized financial structure, this transition could be an opportunity to rebuild our systems to support long-term growth and end our addiction to easy credit.

Bitcoin is limited to 21 million coins. Once we reach the maximum bitcoin in circulation, no more can ever be created. This means that those who own bitcoin could not have their wealth taken from the simple creation of new bitcoin. However, looking at the lending and credit practices of other cryptocurrencies and protocols, they seem to mirror our current system’s practices, but with even more risk. In a newly-decentralized monetary system, we must make sure we limit the practice of highly-leveraged loans and fractional reserves and build these new protocols into the exchange protocol itself. Otherwise, there will be no change from the issues around credit and deflationary cycles as we have now.



布伦丹·格里利(Brendan Greeley)在他的文章中写了一个令人信服的论点,即不能仅仅通过转向加密货币来停止贷款“Bitcoin Cannot Replace The Banks

“创造新的信贷货币是一门好生意,这就是为什么一个又一个世纪以来,人们找到了新的贷款方式。美国历史学家丽贝卡·斯潘在其《法国大革命中的物质与金钱》一书中指出,大革命前的法国君主制为了规避高利贷法律,向投资者收取一次性付款,并以终生租金偿还。在 21 世纪的美国,影子银行假装自己不是银行来逃避监管。借贷发生。你不能停止贷款。你无法通过分布式计算或核心利益来阻止它。利润实在是太好了。”

我们最近在摄氏度上也看到了这种情况,这是一种高收益贷款产品,其本质上与银行的作用相同,但更为极端的是,在假设不会出现任何加密货币的情况下,借出的加密货币数量远多于实际数量。一次性大量取款。当发生大量提款时,Celsius 不得不停止提款,因为它根本没有足够的资金供储户使用。


桑德·范德胡格(Sander van der Hoog)在他的作品中对此提供了非常有用的细分 “信贷增长的限制:促进宏观金融稳定和可持续债务的缓解政策和宏观审慎监管?” 在其中,他描述了两波信贷之间的区别:“为创新提供资金的‘第一波’信贷和为消费、过度投资和投机提供资金的‘第二波’信贷。”



While van der Hoog’s work is a good place to start to consider more stringent credit regulation, it seems clear that normal credit is an important part of growth and is likely to net positive effects if regulated correctly; and abnormal credit must be heavily limited with exceptions for limited circumstances in a world run on bitcoin.


It seems that we have come to simply accept that recessions and economic crises will just happen. While we will never have a perfect system, we may indeed be moving toward a more efficient system that promotes long-term maintainable growth with the inventions of bitcoin as a means of exchange. The suffering caused to those who cannot afford the inflated price of necessary goods and to those who see their life savings and work disappear during crises that are clearly predictable and built into existing systems do not actually have to occur if we build better and more rigorous systems around credit in this new system. We must make sure we don’t take our current nasty habits that cause extraordinary pain in the long term and build them into our future technologies.

This is a guest post by Margarita Groisman. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc. or Bitcoin 杂志。

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志