Central Bank of Argentina Scrutinizes Companies Offering ‘Extraordinary Returns’ on Crypto Asset Investments

By Bitcoin.com - 2 年前 - 阅读时间: 2 分钟

Central Bank of Argentina Scrutinizes Companies Offering ‘Extraordinary Returns’ on Crypto Asset Investments

阿根廷中央银行宣布正在对加密货币投资公司进行调查。 具体而言,该银行表示,他们正在调查通过加密货币投资提供非凡回报的公司,这是不合理的。 据该银行称,这些公司可能以庞氏骗局的形式运作,目前正在研究对他们采取法律行动的可能性。


The Central Bank of Argentina issued a 声明 yesterday explaining the actions they are taking against some cryptocurrency investment companies. The institution announced it is scrutinizing some companies that offer “returns through operations with crypto assets and cryptocurrencies that are not compatible with reasonable parameters in financial operations.” The bank is also alerting users about the use of these platforms whose performance and investment risk cannot be evaluated by the institution.

该银行已在该国某些地区对这些公司采取行动,通过金融和交易实体监管局对其进行检查,并对这些活动发出停止令。 该银行现在将对这些公司的管理人员采取司法行动。


其中一些可疑的业务集中在全国特定省份,以宣传活动为钩子吸引更多投资者。 阿根廷中央银行在拉里奥哈和卡塔马卡两个省发现了此类活动,旨在吸引追随者参与“不透明的资产管理计划”。

Cryptocurrency-related scams are not new to Argentina, but have multiplied this year. The NGO Bitcoin 阿根廷 警告 against this type of scheme earlier this year, noting that such groups are taking advantage of the 声望 of crypto assets in the country. At that time, Javier Madariaga, CEO of the organization, stated:


对于这些操作,阿根廷中央银行也开始采取行动控制这些活动的兴起。 该机构透露,目前正在联系这些公司,要求他们不要进行投资活动,并正在分析是否对涉嫌庞氏骗局采取法律行动。

您如何看待阿根廷中央银行对加密投资公司进行的调查? 在下面的评论部分告诉我们。

原始来源: Bitcoin