Central Banks Around the World Will Adopt Bitcoin As Reserve Asset, Says BTC Bull Mark Yusko

作者 The Daily Hodl - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:3 分钟

Central Banks Around the World Will Adopt Bitcoin As Reserve Asset, Says BTC Bull Mark Yusko

杰出的 Bitcoin (BTC) 公牛表示,世界各国央行最终将采用国王加密货币作为储备资产。

在最近接受 Stansberry Research 采访时,Morgan Creek Capital 的资深对冲基金经理 Mark Yusko 预测,政策制定者最终将重新让美元贬值以偿还政府的巨额债务。

“所以现在唯一的出路就是印钞票……这是一个过度负债的帝国的唯一出路。 即使他们试图对美国所有的财富征税,他们也无法偿还债务…… 

每个人都在谈论“强势”美元。 它不强。 DXY [美元指数] 不是美元,DXY 是美元对日元和欧元的相对价值。 美元是卫生纸,或者皱纹纸,日元是超级卫生纸,欧元就是卫生纸。

日元已经被彻底屠杀,今年下跌了 40%,所以相比之下我们看起来不错,但与人民币相比,我们在过去两年里表现平平。”

根据美国财政部的说法,国债 看台 达到30.93万亿美元。

Yusko says that central banks, institutions that once only held gold and USD as reserve assets, eventually went on to also accumulate yen and euros. He says central banks have already begun holding the yuan as a reserve asset and will eventually add Bitcoin to their coffers, which he believes will replace gold.

“The renminbi is ascendant… What’s going to happen is central banks just used to have gold. Then they had gold and dollars, and then yen and euros. Now they have some renminbi, [and] eventually they’re going to have some Bitcoin… They’re going to have some Bitcoin and then eventually, Bitcoin will edge out gold.”

据 Yusko 说,这种现象不会在几周或几个月内发生,而是几十年。

“I think it’s a 10- or 20-year process of having central banks around the world realize that in order for them to have a viable central bank asset, they’ll have to have gold and Bitcoin and a few other major currencies in their basket.”


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该职位 Central Banks Around the World Will Adopt Bitcoin As Reserve Asset, Says BTC Bull Mark Yusko 最早出现 每日Hodl.

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