Citigroup Launches Digital Assets Group to Provide Clients Access to Cryptocurrencies

By - 2 年前 - 阅读时间: 2 分钟

Citigroup Launches Digital Assets Group to Provide Clients Access to Cryptocurrencies

Citigroup has reportedly set up a “digital assets group” to offer clients access to cryptocurrencies, which will operate within the bank’s wealth management division.

Citigroup has established a “digital assets group” within its wealth management unit, according to a memo to staff seen by Bloomberg. Iain Armitage, global head of capital markets for Citi Private Bank, and Rob Jasminski, who oversees the bank’s investment management arm globally, said in the memo that the new digital assets group will be led by Alex Kriete and Greg Girasole, the publication conveyed. They will serve as liaisons to “all other business groups at Citi who are expanding into this rapidly emerging space also,” the memo says. In addition:

They will be responsible for developing our future product capabilities, client delivery mechanisms and thought leadership around all digital assets.

The memo further explains that Citigroup plans to help clients invest in cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), as well as central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

In May, the Financial Times 报道 that Citigroup was contemplating launching crypto services after seeing a “very rapid” accumulation of interest in bitcoin across a broad spectrum of clients, including large asset managers. In March, the firm said bitcoin was at a tipping point and could become the 首选 currency for international trade. At the end of May, Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser gave her 见证 参议院银行委员会讨论加密货币。她表示,花旗集团正在对加密货币采取“谨慎的方法”,因为该银行寻求“了解数字资产领域的变化和分布式账本技术的使用,包括客户的需求和兴趣、监管发展和技术进步。”

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原始来源: Bitcoin