比较 Bitcoin Blockchain Data Size To Today’s Hottest Tech

By Bitcoinist - 2 年前 - 阅读时间: 2 分钟

比较 Bitcoin Blockchain Data Size To Today’s Hottest Tech

Bitcoin is about as innovative of a technology as it gets. It quite possibly is the most important technology to ever exist, potentially more impactful than the internet before it. Without the internet, cryptocurrencies might never exist, but Bitcoin could forever change the face of money – 随之而来的是控制。

As powerful and potentially as disruptive as the underlying technology and asset is, the Bitcoin blockchain is only around a mere 350GB worth of data. We are exploring what that means, and comparing the revolutionary technology that is the first ever cryptocurrency versus other data-heavy technologies we are all used to today.

从几乎一文不值,到每枚代币 50,000 美元的交易价格

Bitcoin price is trading at near $50,000, but price no longer truly matters: it is here to stay. Countries are now adopting the cryptocurrency as legal tender, and due to this some of the biggest brands in the world must accept BTC at retail.

时代在变,但加密货币一开始几乎一文不值。现实世界的第一笔商品交易花费了 10,000 BTC 购买两个棒约翰披萨

如今,按当前价格计算,其价值约为 XNUMX 亿美元。

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中 Bitcoin’s earliest days its blockchain size was measured in megabytes, until it reached 1024MB, or a full gig of data.

如今,该数据量约为 350GB。

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如何 Bitcoin Blockchain Stacks Up Against Other Types Of Tech

区块链的数据量仅为 350GB,对于通过其交易的价值量来说非常高效。说实话,即使是放在口袋里的 Apple iPhone,也能存储约 256GB 的数据。除非你非常擅长,否则你不会通过它获得那么多价值 as Bitcoin 不 通过其定期网络。

即使是最基本的 PC 也应至少配备 512 GB,但更先进的计算机和笔记本电脑则可达到 TB 级。

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A Sony PlayStation 5, offers 825GB, with up to 667.2GB of it available to users of the hottest console on the market today. At that size, almost two full Bitcoin blockchains could fit.

标准 MicroSD 闪存卡的存储容量高达 1TB,尺寸仅为 11 毫米 x 15 毫米。然而,它可以包含至少三个完整的区块链网络,市值达万亿美元。

凭借如此微小的足迹, 运行 Bitcoin 不占用太多数据,有助于确保网络的寿命。

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