Crypto Firms Launch Community-Powered Scam Reporting Platform ‘Chainabuse’

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Crypto Firms Launch Community-Powered Scam Reporting Platform ‘Chainabuse’

Several crypto firms, including Binance and Circle, have launched a new crypto scam reporting platform. The tool “empowers anyone in the crypto economy to warn others about scams, hacks or other fraudulent activity as they encounter it.”


A number of crypto firms have joined forces and launched a new, multi-chain scam reporting platform. TRM Labs, Circle, Solana Foundation, the Aave Companies, Hedera,, and Civic announced last week “the launch of a new community-powered scam reporting platform, 链式滥用设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

该平台由区块链情报公司 TRM Labs 运营,“授权加密经济中的任何人在遇到诈骗、黑客或其他欺诈活动时向他人发出警告”,公告详细说明:


Currently, users can file reports under Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, Hedera, Binance Smart Chain, and Tron. Reports can be upvoted and downvoted. Other platform users can also leave comments to contribute additional information.



在撰写本文时,该平台上显示了 624 份报告,其中包括 100 多起与乌克兰加密筹款活动相关的骗局。

Chainabuse 解释说,它不会代表用户向执法部门提交报告,并强调提交报告的目的主要是提醒他人注意该骗局。 但是,该平台的常见问题页面解释说:

提交有关 Chainabuse 的报告可能有助于发现同一骗局的多个受害者,并为受害者提供选择与执法部门联系的能力。

“我们鼓励所有加密货币利用的受害者考虑向 FBI 的 IC3、欧洲刑警组织或他们管辖范围内的相关执法机构提交报告,”Chainabuse 团队指出。

您如何看待 Chainabuse 以及您会使用它吗? 在下面的评论部分让我们知道。

原始来源: Bitcoin