十字准线中的加密货币和 Bitcoin 市场动态

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:3 分钟

十字准线中的加密货币和 Bitcoin 市场动态

Announcements by government agencies make stricter regulations look imminent for the crypto industry. How derivatives market action impacts the bitcoin 价钱。

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9二月, bitcoin’s exchange rate gave up some of its year-to-date gains as headlines of increasing regulatory crackdown on the broader crypto industry came across the newswire. The SEC announced charges against Kraken for the selling of unregistered securities due to the firm’s crypto staking product offerings. Similarly, the New York Department of Financial Services announced an investigation into Paxos, the issuer of the Pax Dollar and the BUSD Binance stablecoin。

While the regulator’s concerns aren’t directly related to bitcoin itself, there is increasing chatter of a new-era 操作扼流点 扼杀加密行业。 简而言之,瓶颈行动是联邦政府发起的一项有争议的举措,该举措利用联邦存款保险公司 (FDIC) 来减少某些“高风险”但(主要是)合法行业进入美国银行系统的机会。 毫无疑问,加密行业的各个部分都存在大量的欺诈和犯罪活动,但一些人担心,如果监管机构设置具有广泛限制的繁重障碍,国家的重手可能会伤害诚实的参与者。 例如,一些仍然对抵押他们的加密货币感兴趣的人现在可能会选择寻找一个离岸和粗略的交易所来这样做,从而使他们的资产面临比以前更大的风险。 我们在“崩溃的加密货币收益产品表明“极端胁迫”'”。



Bitcoin 市场动态

关于 bitcoin price action, one could presume that the newsflow was the cause of the recent local downturn, but there were various signs of local exhaustion after an explosive rally across the daily timeframe.

The current dynamic in the bitcoin market is as follows:

Bitcoin’s supply is inelastic as it has ever been due to extremely strong HODLer dynamics. Risk-on/risk-off flows dominate, with dollar strength and equity markets deciding much of the direction for the bitcoin price in the short term.The extreme lack of order book liquidity for BTC will lead to volatile moves in both directions, with liquidity at post-FTX collapse levels despite the recovery from the November 2022 lows. Bitcoin is still range bound between the $16,000 and $24,000 levels until the market decisively decides otherwise. Expect the pinball match between bulls and bears to continue for some time.


需要注意的重要价格水平在 16,000 美元到 24,000 美元之间。

从交易量的角度来看,由于轧空导致价格触及近期的 2023 年高点,市场目前发现自己处于严重的流动性缺口中。 成交量支撑位于 21,200 美元附近,更多买家在 19,000 美元至 20,000 美元之间等待。

流动性缺口支撑位在 21,200 美元。

Bitcoin 衍生工具

期货和衍生品市场自 XNUMX 年以来一直相对平静 逼空推动的反弹 这导致了今年年初的显着表现。 在价格快速上涨期间,请注意看涨需求呈负偏态。 多头看涨期权和空头看跌期权策略是这种动态发展的两种不同方式,并且可以作为市场的顺风,直到均值回归发生。

The futures market is no longer signaling bitcoin is in the depths of its contagion, but is still very far from the overheated levels seen during the bull market that helped bring about the leverage collapse that toppled the market like a house of cards.

Spot inflows are a must for any meaningful squeeze position to manifest and break bitcoin out of its seven-month range.

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看不到政策支点:地平线上的“长期更高”利率Bitcoin 短裤价格暴涨至 21,000 美元,遭受 2021 年以来最严重的挤压崩溃的加密货币收益产品发出“极端胁迫”的信号加密货币蔓延加剧:还有谁在裸泳?A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: Bitcoin, Risk Assets Jump With Increased Global Liquidity通胀熊市给投资者带来麻烦

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志