
By Bitcoinist - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:3 分钟


加密借贷平台 摄氏 Network 已于 13 月 XNUMX 日申请破产。在此之前一个月,加密货币贷方已停止提款以及从账户转账。 摄氏代表出庭,这与公司的破产听证会有关。

它现在通过演示文稿披露了其下一步复苏的方向。 加密借贷平台一直致力于提供财务监督,以便进行重组。 摄氏准备的这份文件提到了它将如何制定一个计划,以允许用户拿走现金或选择“长期加密货币”。

This presentation provides alternatives for the users to get their money back. The platform has also spoken of making use of Bitcoin mining operations along with third-party asset sales to gather funds and pay the debt back. In this recovery plan, the crypto lender Celsius has also presented ways such as negotiating the restructuring transaction with stakeholders.


贷款平台提出的计划在性质上是广泛的,它完全构建了公司希望解决危机的方式。 它提出了将资金返还给债权人的全面计划。

According to plan, crypto lender Celsius is aiming to use Bitcoin minted by minting operations that shall aid mining operations which will help grow Bitcoin 增持。

Recently, it has also been reported that Celsius received permission from the US bankruptcy judge Martin Glenn to spend close to $3.7 million to construct a Bitcoin mining facility. Additionally, a $1.5 million on customs and duties are also to be paid on the imported customs mining rigs.

摄氏的律师帕特里克·纳什(Patrick Nash)在评判马丁·格伦(Martin Glenn)时提到,采矿可能会为帮助公司铺平道路。 摄氏停止了加密贷款,以偿还在申请破产前资产被冻结的客户。

推荐阅读 | 加密货币崩溃使摄氏网络陷入破产


帕特里克纳什提到恢复计划不包括进行全面清算。 据他介绍,贷方不打算强迫他们的客户以法定货币收回他们的款项。

随着加密货币市场持续低迷,纳什认为用户会选择在这个加密货币寒冬中做多。 一旦更广泛的宏观经济状况开始好转,用户也将有“实现复苏的机会”。



这家加密货币贷方已申请第 11 章,并在其资产负债表上列出了 1.19 亿美元的赤字。 两个月前,由于 terraUSD 和 Luna 等重要代币的下跌而发生抛售,Celsius 运营的商业模式受到了严格检查。

Although a lot of priority has been given to Bitcoin mining, a group of equity investors have expressed concerns over a problem which could arise in order to control the Bitcoin 采矿作业。

投资者层面,Dennis Dune 谈到了最近开采的硬币应该如何被视为英国子公司的财产,该子公司负责为运营筹集资金,而不是为了公司债权人的利益而分配。

Additionally customers could also create objection on Bitcoin mining vendors during a time when the platform is struggling to recover as mentioned by the U.S. Department of Justice’s bankruptcy watchdog.

相关阅读| 摄氏网络律师争辩说,用户无权使用他们的加密货币

摄氏代币在四小时图上的价格为 0.77 美元 | 资源: TradingView 上的 CELUSD 特色图片来自 The Hindu,图表来自 TradingView.com

原始来源: Bitcoin是