Dfinity Foundation Set To Unlock Smart Contracts On Bitcoin, Advancing Further Into Ethereum’s Orbit

作者:ZyCrypto - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟

Dfinity Foundation Set To Unlock Smart Contracts On Bitcoin, Advancing Further Into Ethereum’s Orbit

漫长的等待 Bitcoin’s smart contracts could soon change after the Dfinity foundation disclosed an elaborate plan which will see a BTC-ICP direct integration, ushering Bitcoin into the smart contracts era.

将 BTC 与互联网计算机 (ICP) 集成

According to a recent announcement by the developer, the project which comprises three stages is partially complete with stage one, which seeks to unlock smart contracts on Bitcoin ready to hit mainnet.

根据披露,第一阶段将需要在网络上嵌入椭圆曲线数字签名算法(ECDSA),使用户能够验证交易。 ECDSA 是一种加密算法,通常被称为私钥、公钥或“签名”,并提供所需的安全性,以确保一旦智能合约生效,资金只能由合法所有者使用。

第二阶段需要将 ICP-BTC 节点放在测试网上,然后再进行完全集成。


根据 Dfinity 的创始人 Dominic Williams 的说法,与使用独立可信方来完成交易的传统桥梁不同,增加了安全风险,直接 ICP 集成将实现区块链上智能合约之间的直接交易。

“例如,如果你想将 ERC-20 代币转移到 Avalanche 上,你会将它们发送给桥接运营商,他们会向你发放代币的打包版本,” 他说, “但这种方法存在一些问题——你依赖于桥梁提供商的安全性”。

解决互联网计算机 (ICP) 如何改变这一切,首席科学家补充说, “What’s different here is that you can send Bitcoin directly to smart contracts on the ICP.” He further notes that when those smart contracts on the ICP send Bitcoin to other smart contracts, they move on the Bitcoin blockchain, eliminating the need for external bridges.

Until recently, executing smart contracts on the blockchain had been a grueling process given Bitcoin’s hard smart contract scripting language. More smart contracts are now expected to roll out using the ICP-BTC integration joining the likes of the Lightning Network.

Taproot 参与智能合约

去年 XNUMX 月, Taproot upgrade went live on the bitcoin’s mainnet 这是一个分水岭,预计将提高网络的智能合约能力和隐私性。

Whereas experts have argued that “greater expressive abilities” on layer 1 are not a priority given that “Smart contracts are spending decisions between a group of participants who value privacy,” Taproot is expected to boost the programmability of Bitcoin transactions to support expressive contracts. 

也就是说,Dfinity 的愿景是为区块链上的合约之间的无缝交易创造一个有利的环境,这符合以太坊的 Vitalik Buterin 的信念,即“未来将是多链,而不是跨链”。  

原始来源: ZyCrypto