是否有智慧 Bitcoin 来自古代文明?

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:8 分钟

是否有智慧 Bitcoin 来自古代文明?

Bitcoin doesn't try to change our nature. It works with nature; it's part of nature. It is the combination of ancient wisdom and scientific knowledge.

This is an opinion editorial by Leon Wankum, one of the first financial economics students to write a thesis about Bitcoin 。

当我走过马丘比丘的废墟时,这是一座建于秘鲁安第斯山脉高处的印加城堡,其历史可以追溯到 1450 年左右的某个时候,我看到了由一个早已不复存在的文明建造的宏伟建筑遗迹。 直到今天,我们都无法解释印加人是如何建造它的,或者它的确切用途是什么。 历史学家知道印加人曾将马丘比丘作为一个圣地来安置大约 700 名大祭司。 马丘比丘是一个充满神奇奥秘的地方,以其错综复杂的方石墙而闻名,这些石墙无需砂浆就可以将巨大的石头融合在一起,并以包含天文排列的建筑物而闻名。

马丘比丘是人类一系列最伟大成就的一部分,但我们并不完全了解它们是如何建造的, 开罗的金字塔; 墨西哥特奥蒂瓦坎的金字塔; 和秘鲁库斯科的 Coricancha。 印加人是如何将大石头搬上 2,430 米的山峰,然后将其对齐,即使使用最现代的工具也很难做到这一点?

我们所知道的是,印加人与自然和谐相处。 他们参与了一个农业社会,该社会利用自然的力量建造了今天仍然存在的城市和圣地。 安第斯山脉的生活哲学基于从自然中受益而不破坏自然。 根据 Juan Carlos Machicado Figueroa 在“当石头说话,”这种生活方式的样本出现在不同的考古遗址中,从早期文化到复杂的印加社会。 一般来说,学者们痴迷于解决印加人如何建造他们的建筑的问题,却忘记了理解这些建筑背后的原因和想法。

我们应该问自己,“我们可以从这些古老的文化中学到什么?” 技术需要与自然和谐相处,我们也是。

Just as the Inca worked in harmony with nature to create magnificent forts and sacred sites, Bitcoin exists in harmony with nature to create sound money from energy. Sound money is money that is not subject to sudden increases or decreases in value, assisted by self-correcting mechanisms inherent in a free market system.

与流行的看法相反,金钱不是国家的产物。 它是我们环境的天然产物。 在形而上学的层面上,金钱就是能量。 我们用我们的时间和精力来赚钱。 所以,金钱是我们能量的储存,价值的储存。 能源是丰富的,应该是所有人都能获得的。 任何类型的中心化系统——比如试图操纵货币的中央银行——都会造成不自然的失衡。

Traditional centralized banking systems like the Federal Reserve are subject to boards and government institutions controlling the supply and distribution of money. In contrast, bitcoin is entirely produced collectively by the network, at a rate which was defined when the system was created and known to the public, to paraphrase Andreas Antonopoulos in “掌握 Bitcoin设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

Bitcoin is an open monetary system, accessible to everyone.

For the Inca, gold was not valuable because of its purchasing power but because of its energy. It was representative of the sun, the life force of the Earth. Like the sun — which serves as the energy source for all life on Earth — Bitcoin serves as an inclusive financial system in which everyone can participate. Bitcoin is the first successful attempt to create digital property that can be sent securely to someone else without the risk of third-party obstruction. Again referencing Antonopoulos, as of today, no one has been able to disturb the mining process or figure out a way to mine bitcoin without using the required Bitcoin software with its internal security and self-reliant value system. It is money backed by mathematical proof.

Despite what the mainstream media tells us, bitcoin using energy for its production process is not bad for the environment; it is a natural process. The fact that mining uses energy makes bitcoin money because money is energy. The law of conservation of energy, also known as the first law of thermodynamics, states that the energy of a closed system must remain constant: It can neither increase nor decrease without external influence. The universe itself is a closed system, so the total amount of energy in existence has always been the same. However, the forms that energy takes are 不断变化. 能量永不浪费; 它被使用。 就像孩子为了成长而吃东西一样,人类使用能量来前进。 矿工 use electrons and produce bitcoin. 他们实际上是在用能源创造数字黄金。

图片来源:NASA/CXC/Wisconsin/D.Pooley/CfA/A.Zezas/ESA/JPL-Caltech/J.Huchra 等人。 (来源)

事实上, Bitcoin will enable humanity to use energy more efficiently, make progress, create wealth and foster a healthier relationship with our environment. There are estimates that up to 30%的能源被浪费了 through losses in generation, transmission and distribution. Bitcoin miners are trying to capture this energy, because they need to find cheap energy in order to lower their cost structure. For example, companies like Great American Mining 使用多余的气体 released from oil production to mine bitcoin.

Oil drilling releases gas. Since the drilling takes place far from residential areas, the gas released has no other use than on-site. It is very difficult to store the gas and bring it to residential areas, so most of it gets burned. The burning of gas is called flaring. A gas combustion engine can be used in industrial facilities, such as petroleum refineries or chemical plants. Bitcoin mining is not dependent on residential areas; it can take place anywhere. Great American Mining takes advantage of this by capturing the released gas, which would otherwise be burned and polluted, to mine bitcoin. Showing how mining can solve the so-called energy crisis.


另外,a 根据一项研究, 出版的 Bitcoin Mining Council estimates that 58.5% of the global mining sector is powered by renewable energy, as renewable energy is among the cheapest energy sources. This makes their use very attractive for miners, who in turn help to make the use of renewable energy more efficient.

技术首先被最需要它的人采用。 萨尔瓦多成为第一个 采用 bitcoin 于 7 年 2021 月 XNUMX 日作为法定货币发行。 中非共和国 紧随其后的是 2022 年。这两个国家都位于自然资源遭到掠夺的大陆上。 饱受战争蹂躏的地方陷入了创伤、战争和苦难的恶性循环。

国际社会在美国领导下创建的向发展中国家提供援助的金融机构——例如国际货币基金组织和世界银行——都失败了。他们让发展中国家负债累累,而不是给他们进一步发展的机会,从而奴役了他们。创造债务义务是帝国主义的一种软形式。这没有帮助;它 让一切变得更糟.

Those benefiting from the current financial system are trying to fight Bitcoin. The establishment being resistant to change is a recurring phenomenon throughout history. In 1633, the Catholic Church 囚禁伽利略·伽利莱 for fear of losing power for his correct argument that the planets revolve around the sun and that the sun is the center of the universe, not the Earth. The Catholic Church believed that the Bible said that all other planets revolve around the Earth and to defy this belief was considered an act of heresy. Back then, a person could be prosecuted (and even executed) for disobeying religious teachings. Similarly today, governments and central banks are trying to fight Bitcoin because it threatens their position of power. It is not in these institutions’ interest that an open monetary network exists outside of their control, so they demonize it and claim it's bad for the environment, although the opposite is true.

自 15 年 1971 月 XNUMX 日理查德尼克松总统宣布美国将结束美元与黄金的可兑换性以来,中央银行开始运行以法定货币为基础的浮动汇率和没有货币标准的系统。 “法定货币”一词来自拉丁语,意思是“让它完成”。 法定货币是一种不受商品(如黄金)支持的货币,其价值完全来自政府法令。 这是一个以债务为基础的系统,中央银行在其中创造和借出法定货币,只是为了让接受者承诺偿还。

Any central bank in the developing world that adopts bitcoin has a chance to compete with the world’s most powerful central banks by acquiring bitcoin, a debt-free asset. This challenges the global power dynamic. As a decentralized, open monetary network, Bitcoin 使每个人 谁用它变得独立。

大规模采用 bitcoin will take time. It could take centuries, but it will happen.
罗伯特·布里德洛夫 指出, Bitcoin is software, software is code and code is information. Information wants to spread. The Bible has survived many empires, so Bitcoin has the potential to outlive any individuals, parties and groups that try to fight it. As long as there is one computer running the Bitcoin 协议, Bitcoin won’t die. We have effectively created this new life form that will 比我们所有人都长寿 (可能还有人性)。

Bitcoin is 抱有希望 because it allows everyone in the world to store value, regardless of gender, race, location or age, and it allows people to save for the future. This results in positive second-order effects. The inflationary fiat system that we live in today incentivizes short-term thinking. Money that we earn today will lose value in the future, so we spend it on things we don’t need. We are incentivized to consume constantly, to waste the world's resources and to make bad decisions because we don't care about the future. Bitcoin is different. It's disinflationary. It encourages long-term thinking. As Bitcoiners, we are more aware of the value of our money because it increases in value. Why should I spend my bitcoin on a car today when I can use it to buy a house in the future?

人们正在承担更多的责任,他们可以看到一个更美好的未来,因为有一个 更大的自由感 due to the qualities of Bitcoin and what it allows. Once you adopt bitcoin, you pursue work that you find meaningful. You establish more meaningful relationships and live a more meaningful life. These second-order effects apply to the individual and humanity as a whole because Bitcoin is an open network that anyone can use.

Can we even imagine a united humanity? Probably not, but Bitcoin makes us dream. Imagine if we could build on each other instead of taking from one another. If one eats, we all eat. When you work, when you make an effort, we all benefit. This is the power of an open network, controlled by no one but open to all. With Bitcoin there is no “us and them,” there is an “I” from which a universal “we” emerges.

Many cryptocurrency companies are trying to capitalize on the human need for harmony with false promises, but these efforts are only made to enrich certain individuals. Bitcoin 在这里 丰富人性。这是关于意图。一个人可以走得快,但团结起来可以走得更远。

Bitcoin doesn't try to change our nature. It works with nature; it's part of nature. It is the combination of ancient wisdom and scientific knowledge. A bridge between old and new — the future.

马丘比丘 (来源)

This is a guest post by Leon Wankum. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc. or Bitcoin 杂志。

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志