埃隆马斯克收购推特后,狗狗币(DOGE)上涨 30%

作者:NewsBTC - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:3 分钟

埃隆马斯克收购推特后,狗狗币(DOGE)上涨 30%

据多家新闻媒体报道,在埃隆马斯克同意以 30 亿美元收购 Twitter Inc 后,狗狗币(DOGE)周二飙升近 44%。

根据 CoinMarketCap 的统计数据,截至周二上午 22.14 点 0.162 分,具有 Shiba Inu 表情包的加密货币上涨了 01% 至 10 美元,该加密货币长期以来一直是亿万富翁的最爱。 Twitter 的股票当天收盘上涨 5.6%。

这一发展是在马斯克收购 Twitter 后的几分钟公布的。

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周一晚些时候,推特宣布已达成“最终协议,由埃隆马斯克全资拥有的实体以每股 54.20 美元现金收购,交易价值约 44 亿美元。”


最近,马斯克提出了几种改进推特的方法。 (图片来源:截止日期)


“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.” The Rise Of Dogecoin

Musk has been a vocal proponent of digital currencies; he recently stated that he would not sell his Dogecoin and would also retain his Bitcoin and Ether holdings.

特斯拉首席执行官推动了狗狗币(一种所谓的 memecoin)的兴起——之所以如此,是因为它主要基于一个在线笑话,而不是一个实质性的区块链项目。

Musk has stirred the cryptocurrency markets’ nest in the past. In February 2021, the electric vehicle manufacturer said that it had purchased $1.5 billion in Bitcoin and intended to accept it as payment, triggering a spike in both the company’s stock and the currency.

However, Musk reversed his position the following May, precipitating a decline in the value of Bitcoin 和其他加密货币。

DOGE total market cap at $21.56 billion on the daily chart | Source: TradingView.com

根据 Coin Metrics 的数据,同年 67 月,他的帖子将狗狗币推升至 XNUMX 美分的历史新高。

加密货币的价值经常因马斯克、Kiss 的 Gene Simmons 和说唱歌手 Snoop Dogg 等名人代言而变化。

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Dogecoin’s supply is unlimited, which means that as more tokens are issued, its price should theoretically drop. Mark Cuban, a billionaire entrepreneur and investor, has stated that bitcoin has “no intrinsic value.”

Twitter 前首席执行官兼联合创始人 Jack Dorsey 于 XNUMX 月离开公司,专注于他的支付初创公司,该公司更名为 Block(从 Square),以反映加密货币和区块链技术的更大目标。

马斯克最近提供了许多改进微博网站的方法。 此外,他敦促将狗狗币用作社交网站上的支付方式。

数字资产经纪人 GlobalBlock 的分析师 Marcus Sotiriou 表示,投机者购买狗狗币是因为马斯克“对加密货币的痴迷”,因此如果 Elon 成功,狗狗币有可能在顶级社交媒体网络之一上获得额外的效用。 .

Featured image from CryptoHubK, chart from TradingView.com

原始来源: NewsBTC