Ethereum “Accumulation” Nears Liftoff Phase: What This Could Mean For Bitcoin

作者:NewsBTC - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:3 分钟

Ethereum “Accumulation” Nears Liftoff Phase: What This Could Mean For Bitcoin

The conversation across crypto is no longer only about Bitcoin。 以太坊是自以太坊创建以来生态系统中最重要的加密货币,并且最近抢尽了风头。

在 ETH 与 BTC 交易对上,近期的市场结构类似于上涨阶段之前的吸筹模式。 如果这种模式是准确的,那么市值“翻转”可能很快就会成为与数字黄金本身的故事相媲美的故事。

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2020 年,随着新冠疫情的爆发,所有数字化事物对全球生态系统都变得更加重要 — — 尤其是在金融领域。

Among the other reasons for digital assets to thrive in the 2020-forward economy, was due to the abundance of fiat value being added to the balance sheets of the US Fed. Gold in theory should thrive in such a situation, but instead the world has turned to Bitcoin and its altcoin brethren as the up and coming store of value.

As important as this changing of the guard has been for crypto overall – and the fact it could not have been done without Bitcoin – it is Ethereum that is breaking on through to the mainstream.

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每枚代币价格为 50,000 美元,企业和机构都在关注 BTC。 他们也在关注以太坊,但该网络的用户铸造 NFT 或通过 DeFi 颠覆传统金融才是最新趋势背后的推动力。

At under $4,000 per coin, each ETH is still priced feasibly enough that someone can afford a whole one. Buying up 32 of them, lets the wealthy earn an APY back in rewards through staking. It is regularly in the demand for everyday use in transactions as gas, and fees are almost always high forcing users to pay a hefty sum of ETH in exchange.

所有这些因素结合起来可以解释为什么在 ETHBTC 交易对上,该资产处于明显的积累模式,以及为什么数字黄金的叙述可能很快就会转向“翻转”的叙述。

Is this Livermore "speculative chart" valid? | Source: ETHBTC on Could Accumulation On The ETHBTC Pair Lead To A Flippening?

如果有足够多的信徒相信这个故事,那么故事本身就可以成为自我实现的预言。 上图表明,许多人已经相信了以太坊本身的故事,并且可能会有更多人涌入。

What the chart above also depicts is the ETHBTC trading pair in a Livermore Accumulation Cylinder that technical analysis pioneer Jesse Livermore popularized long before Ethereum was ever launched.

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While Ethereum is unlikely to trade higher than Bitcoin on a per coin basis, the total market cap could “flippen” if the above pattern is accurate. The market cap of ETH is more than half of BTC currently, but there are far more coins circulating than in Bitcoin.

At current issuance and market cap parity, Ethereum would need to be slightly more than 2x against Bitcoin to become the top ranked cryptocurrency by market cap. Given the long stretch of over performance since the asset’s inception, the number doesn’t seem that far off now, does it?

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原始来源: NewsBTC