
By Bitcoinist - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟


到 2021 年,以太坊能源消耗一直在上升。其中大部分是由牛市引发的,这给市场带来了新的兴趣。 然而,随着市场现在终于进入可怕的熊市趋势,对区块链的兴趣已经减弱。 结果,以太坊上的活动减少了,这转化为网络上使用的能源量的减少。


进入 2022 年,以太坊 能源消耗 一直在稳步上升。 由于去中心化金融 (DeFi) 和不可替代代币 (NFT) 的兴起,该网络在去年期间涌入了大量新用户。 预计今年的能源消耗在六个月内增长了约 50%。 到 93.98 月的第三周,以太坊的估计能耗已达到 XNUMX TWh 的峰值。

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尽管随着 50 月的熊市到来,此后的下跌速度将很快。 价格下跌导致投资者开始撤出数字资产,这最初导致网络活动增加。 然而,在接下来的几周内,能源消耗下降了约 XNUMX%。

ETH 能耗下降 | 资源: Digiconomist

Presently, the estimated energy consumption for the Ethereum network is 51.82 TWh. The last time that it was this low was in September of 2021. It follows the same trend set by Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency in the space. Data shows that bitcoin’s estimated energy has dropped to 204.5 TWh, which is the lowest that it has been in a year. Additionally, the 日常能源消耗 bitcoin is now sitting 30% lower than the previous month at around 10.57 GW on a daily basis.


The decline in the price of Ethereum has brought multiple implications with it. Not only has its energy consumption reduced, but it has also seen a drop in the mining profitability of miners. These miners who are rewarded with coins for helping to confirm transactions on the network are now recording less cash inflow dollar-wise due to the price crash.

ETH 跌至 1,200 美元资源: ETHUSD在TradingView.com


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The decline in the energy consumption of the network shows that these miners are indeed scaling back their mining operations due to this drop in profitability. The same is been recorded across the leading network Bitcoin which has seen its price decline more than 60% from its all-time high.

来自 CryptoSlate 的特色图片,来自 TradingView.com 的图表

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