
By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:3 分钟


波动性在市场不确定性中蓬勃发展,在熊市中表现得最为明显。 它有助于检查过去周期中的波动情况。

以下是最近一期的节选 Bitcoin 杂志专业版, Bitcoin 杂志 优质市场通讯。 成为第一批获得这些见解和其他链上信息的人 bitcoin 市场分析直接发送到您的收件箱, 现在订阅.


您准备好应对波动性增加了吗? 随着我们深入熊市,市场只会变得更加波动是很常见的。 随着不确定性、流动性不足和不耐烦的增加,越来越多的市场参与者开始希望市场出现极端情况:要么市场已经触底,新的牛市周期离美联储只有一个转折点,要么跌停板、追加保证金清算日即将到来,因为瑞士信贷崩溃。 每个主要市场的走势都让每个人都保持警惕,以向他们发出某种信号。 价格范围开始扩大,一些(可能是)每周或每月的变动被浓缩为一天的行动。

即使可以说是有史以来最好的投资者之一,斯坦利·德鲁肯米勒(Stanley Druckenmiller)也发现今天是最难弄清楚的环境之一:

“我已经这样做了 45 年,在大流行、战争以及美国和全世界的疯狂政策反应之间,这是我遇到过的最艰难的环境,我试图对未来 XNUMX 到 XNUMX 个月的预测充满信心。”


We still hold our same view that new lows are likely to be made and that we’ve yet to reach a final conclusion yet to the cycle for equities, risk assets and bitcoin.

我们将提醒读者我们迄今为止看到的熊市反弹的幅度以及这些反弹在 2000 年和 2008 年类似物的幅度。 还有其他周期需要研究和比较,但这些只是最近的几个例子。

We’ve already seen a significant 17.41% rally from lows for the SPX with bitcoin running to $25,000. Yet, that didn’t change its next reversion lower and, what we think, is the medium-term downside trajectory playing out still. Even in the last-stage collapses of 2002 and 2009, the S&P 500 saw rallies over 20% before going lower. As the market piles in to overshort bloody conditions and doomsday news on higher leverage, remember that there’s no free lunch. 

标准普尔 500 指数从 2022 年的低点反弹 标准普尔 500 指数从 2007-2009 年的低点反弹 标准普尔 500 指数从 2000-2002 年的低点反弹

另一个值得注意的有趣点是,熊市通常很短,平均持续 10 个月。 这个 10 个月的基准将大致使我们达到今天的水平。 然而,我们需要提出一个有用的想法和论点,即我们迄今为止所看到的当前破坏是关于利率、债券和信贷的独特历史时期的重新调整。 我们几乎还没有到达 经典和周期性收益熊市.

As bonds, currencies, and global equities all have continued trading with increasing levels of volatility, the recent historical and implied volatility of bitcoin is eerily muted compared to historical standards.

While the lack of recent volatility in bitcoin could be a sign that much of the leverage and speculative mania of the bull market has been almost entirely washed out, our eyes remain on the outsized legacy markets for signs of fragility and volatility, which could serve as a short/intermediate-term headwind.

While the world around bitcoin’s price action looks to be becoming increasingly uncertain, the Bitcoin network remains completely unaffected at the protocol level, continuing to do its job as a neutral monetary asset/settlement layer, despite its exchange rate volatility.



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原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志