
By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:5 分钟


Sacrificing individuals is and always will be an immoral choice. If you want a better society, responsibility is probably a good place to start.

这是 Mickey Koss 的一篇观点社论,他是一名西点军校毕业生,拥有经济学学位。 在过渡到财政团之前,他在步兵中度过了四年。


The main issue is that the individuals who don’t value bitcoin have determined that their lack of subjective value justifies the censorship of energy use, among other things, in the name of societal good. I don’t think they realize the precedent that sets.

It's not hot enough out, so we’re killing power to your air conditioning. Watching “The Kardashians” is a waste of power, so we’re going to reduce the amount of power coming into your house. It's not cold enough yet, so we’re cutting off gas to your furnace. Your car is too big for you to drive alone, so we’re going to limit your ability to purchase fuel. Bitcoin is a waste of energy, so we need to ban mining or change the code.

每个陈述本质上是相同的。 其他人正在执行他们的主观价值观。 虽然这些例子乍一看似乎很愚蠢,但我从没想过农民必须抗议才能继续耕种,直到 它开始发生 在荷兰。


“因此,个人最终必须认识到,与国家的存在相比,他自己的自我并不重要,个人的地位完全取决于整个国家的利益。” — 阿道夫·希特勒

没有组。 没有群体效应。 只有个人。 当我们共同努力组建一个社会时,社会不会受到影响,只有个人会受到影响。


我永远不会忘记在研究生院的宏观经济课上用来证明最低工资上涨合理性的冷酷数学。 鉴于估计的供给和需求曲线,我们应该计算在最低工资增加后仍然有工作的人的失业率增加与工资增长的关系。

要获得 A+,您的结论必须肯定提高最低工资的决定。 方程式的编写方式从一开始就决定了结果:工资收益总是超过失业损失。

应用于现实生活场景,不难想象这适用于所有政策决策。 估计方程做一些数学运算以产生更多的估计。 我们得到了我们想要的结果,我们的数学支持它。 科学,宝贝。



“我不建议提高最低工资,因为这会导致失业率上升。 强迫人们失业是不道德的。”

这位教授撰写了关于撒哈拉以南非洲主要商品需求弹性的论文——使用几乎没有真实世界价值的估计值进行了估算——以失业保险为理由,随便打消了人们的担忧。 这是当时美国排名第一的公共政策学院。

“去他妈的平民。 让他们变得依赖政府。”

对个人的任何行为都可以为社会的更大利益辩护。 没有限制原则,斜坡是陡峭而滑的。


I think the intellectual class’ resistance to bitcoin is because, at least subconsciously, they know it takes away their power to try and fine tune society from their ivory towers.


What about the single mother, the single father, the family of five, the first generation American, struggling every day to live a meaningful and dignified life, to show their children what it means to earn and provide? When making those calculations I could not help but think of the broken faces of broken people, shuffling home to tell their families they had failed that day, that their teetering scale of existence in this broken fiat world had just tipped out of favor, that their future was now uncertain.

如果我需要对自己撒谎才能在经济学论文上获得 A,那么我可以说实话。

Bitcoin And The Marionette

I could listen to bitcoin-著名的 乔丹·彼得森博士 for hours. If I’m being honest, I already have and will continue to do so. His gift of language is highlighted beautifully in his analysis of the children's story “木偶奇遇记设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

Pinocchio's journey leads him to accepting responsibility as he enters the belly of the beast to save his father. Self-actualization leads to personhood. Everyday responsibility is the act of the everyday hero. Without responsibility, we have nothing. And yet with no scarcity, there can never be responsibility at the macro and policy levels of society.

前往 bitcoin standard leads to radical self-responsibility and cuts the ties of control from the so-called experts who so desperately want to control you. No longer will we be marionettes, puppets dancing along through life at the end of a fiat string.

No longer will we be statistics and aggregates, parts of overly and purposely convoluted equations used to justify sacrifice on behalf of the common good. It will no longer be possible on the bitcoin standard. With scarcity reintroduced into the marketplace, blanket dictats will no longer be financially viable.

There is no society without the individual. There are no societal effects. Only individuals making decisions on the margins. Sacrificing individuals is and always will be immoral. If you want a better society, responsibility is probably a good place to start. Bitcoin 解决此问题。

这是 Mickey Koss 的客座帖子。 所表达的意见完全是他们自己的,不一定反映 BTC Inc. 或 Bitcoin 杂志。

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志