Glassnode 报告称 Bitcoin2022 年价格下跌代表“历史性比例”的熊市

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Glassnode 报告称 Bitcoin2022 年价格下跌代表“历史性比例”的熊市

The crypto economy has slipped under the $1 trillion mark to the $970 billion range, as a large number of digital currencies have lost more than half their USD worth since November 2021. Bitcoin is down 70% from the all-time high last year, and a new report from Glassnode Insights calls the current bear market “a bear of historic proportions,” while highlighting that “it can reasonably be argued that 2022 is the most significant bear market in digital asset history.”

Glassnode Researchers: ‘Bitcoin Is Currently Experiencing the Largest Capital Outflow Event in History’

Many people understand that the crypto economy is currently in a bear market but no one knows where it will lead or when it will end. Bitcoin and the crypto economy, in general, have been through several bear markets and a recent Glassnode Insights 报告 声称这可能是有记录以来最糟糕的。 分析公司 Glassnode 提供分析 bitcoin的(比特币) 当前价格下跌以及数字资产如何跌破 200 天移动平均线 (DMA)。 40 周的时间跨度让交易者了解当前趋势是否会继续走低,并且还可以确定潜在的底价。

Glassnode的 帖子描述了 Mayer Multiple 和 200DMA 以及它们如何发出熊市或牛市的信号。 “当价格低于 200DMA 时,通常被认为是熊市,”Glassnode 的分析指出。 “当价格在 200 日均线上方交易时,通常被认为是牛市。” 此外,Glassnode 还利用“已实现价格”、“已实现上限”以及市场价值和已实现价值振荡器(MVRV 比率)等数据。

“已实现上限(Z-Score)的 30 天头寸变化使我们能够查看每月相对资本流入/流出 BTC asset on a statistical basis,” Glassnode’s blog post explains. “By this measure, bitcoin is currently experiencing the largest capital outflow event in history, hitting -2.73 standard deviations (SD) from the mean. This is one whole SD larger than the next largest events, occurring at the end of the 2018 Bear Market, and again in the March 2020 sell-off.”

Glassnode 研究和讨论当前的熊市已经有一段时间了,13 月 XNUMX 日,它发布了一个 电影 called “The Darkest Phase of the Bear.” The video looks into whether or not it is the final phase or final capitulation period in bitcoin’s price cycle. Historically, BTC 在其所有主要熊市中下跌了 80% 以上,价格从 80 美元下跌 69% 为每单位 13,800 美元。 一些加密货币投资者认为熊市的结束可能已经临近,而另一些人则认为最大的痛苦尚未到来。 最大的痛苦、绝望的深度、最低点或底部可能还没有到来。

Glassnode’s report details that because bitcoin got so large, the impact has been magnified. “As the bitcoin market matures over time, the magnitude of potential USD denominated losses (or profits) will naturally scale alongside network growth,” Glassnode’s research report says. “However, even on a relative basis, this does not minimize the severity of this $4+ billion net loss.”

Glassnode 研究人员还深入研究 以太坊(ETH), 一枚硬币 经常 低于 BTC’s 80% drawdown. “Ethereum prices have spent 37.5% of its trading life in a similar regime under the realized price, a stark comparison to bitcoin at 13.9%,” Glassnode researchers wrote. “This is likely a reflection of the historical out-performance of BTC 在熊市期间,由于投资者将资本拉高风险曲线,导致更长的时间 ETH 交易低于投资者成本基础。”

Glassnode 补充说:

目前 MVRV 的周期低点为 0.60,历史上只有 277 天记录了较低的值,相当于交易历史的 11%。

上周, BTCETH 价格在前一周遭受重创后上涨,并在一周的大部分时间里保持稳定。 BTC 过去两周价格仍下跌 8.1%,加密资产的美元价值在过去 0.3 小时内下跌 24%。 ETH 在过去的 0.1 小时内,价值下滑了 24%,而两周的统计数据显示 ETH 兑美元仅下跌 1.3%。 Glassnode 的帖子显示,所做的数据和研究表明,这是历史上最重要的加密熊市之一。

Glassnode Insights 报告最后说:

上述各种研究强调了投资者损失的巨大规模、资本破坏的规模以及过去几个月发生的可观察到的投降事件。 鉴于当前熊市的持续时间和规模很长,可以合理地认为 2022 年是数字资产历史上最重要的熊市。

您如何看待 Glassnode 的熊市报告? 你会说这是有记录以来最糟糕的熊市之一吗? 在下面的评论部分让我们知道您对此主题的看法。

原始来源: Bitcoin