随船沉没: Bitcoin 或无

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:8 分钟

随船沉没: Bitcoin 或无

一个没有的世界 Bitcoin, where you own nothing and have no privacy, is not worth living in. A reminder and dedication for Bitcoin’s classes of 2019, 2020 and 2021.

这是《非共产主义宣言》一书的作者、 Bitcoin 时 和“与 Svetski 一起醒来播客”的主持人。

Bitcoin 或无


Svetski is here to deliver this cure for your sorrows and ailments. This concoction is for my brothers and sisters in the recent Bitcoin classes of 2019, 2020 and 2021.


这是你的时刻 选择您 bitcoin. Inheriting the world via first-mover advantage on bitcoin was never going to come easy, and each one of these episodes is an opportunity for you to not just stack some cheap sats, but truly build conviction.


在这篇短文中,我会尽力提醒你 为什么 我们都在这里。





我写这篇文章是为了 ,因为我和许多其他人都走过了同样的道路。我们仍处于一场长达数十年的斗争的早期阶段,在这场斗争中,旧的谎言帝国必须被真理的时间链所取代。世界不能再像现在这样继续下去。中央和中央计划者站不住脚。

You are finally going to have an opportunity to become a Bitcoiner. Now is your chance to earn your way into the Bitcoin hall of fame, and I don’t mean some public record written on some wall. I mean the laying of a foundation for generational wealth.

We are still in the heat of the battle. What the world needs more of now is battle-hardened Bitcoiners with conviction, who will not, under any circumstance, yield to the enemy.


你的工作就是抵抗。唯一的问题是,你会选择做什么? 来源.


Bitcoin is not going anywhere because you and I are not going anywhere. Bitcoin is unyielding because you and I are unyielding. If Bitcoin sinks, we transform it into a submarine and we keep going. We find a way to resurface.






Lock up your bitcoin, make it impossible to touch, and watch what happens.


当我写到 42 reasons to sell your bitcoin 2022年XNUMX月,我非常清楚今年会是什么样子。我什至不确定我是否考虑过我们正在经历的“熊市”。最坏的情况是,这是更广泛的上升周期中的间歇阶段。不管怎样,它都是无关紧要的,因为它只有一个目的; earning your bitcoin.

“42 Reasons to sell your Bitcoin:

1. If you believe it won't go lower:

Then you’re in for a rude awakening. Sell your bitcoin.

2. 如果你相信它不会走高:


卖你的 bitcoin.

3. 如果你相信拥有大量 Twitter 账户的 14 岁茶歇分析师:

If this is the basis upon which you bought bitcoin, then you should definitely sell it all. Drawing lines on a screen helps you understand “why bitcoin” just as much as watching someone else train at the gym helps you lose weight…

23. 如果你认为 69,000 美元是最高的:


24. 如果您认为 600 到 300 美元与 60,000 到 30,000 美元有任何不同:


25. 如果你认为 42,000 美元是最低价:


26. 如果你还在看 Real Vision:

那就操我吧……你绝对是无可奈何的。 这些小丑10年就对了一次,你还在看吗?

I suggest you not only sell your bitcoin, but buy some BSV, make a poster of Raoul, put it on your wall, take a photo, make an NFT and pretend like you just made some innovation in Web 3.0…

40. 改变世界很容易:


If you think that ‘The Great Transition’ would somehow be a Kumbaya where we all hold hands and skip happily onto a Bitcoin standard, then you’re about as deluded as the next central planner and I would prefer that you just give up now. Go draw unicorns and build smart contracts on Ethereum.

Over here in Bitcoin, we need warriors: The 300, not the Arcadians...

42. 如果你认为我在开玩笑:


I get genuinely happy when bitcoin drops, not because I get to buy more cheap corn (that’s nice to have, but $20,000 differences now mean fuck all later), but because it shakes out all the lemmings and losers.



增加现金流,赚取收入,用多余的钱积累学习。 增加知识,赢得信念,用它来积累培养厚脸皮。 每一个旅鼠、反对者和舔塔勒布屁股的失败者都会突然告诉你:“我告诉过你了,它会归零。”这是你真正发现自己的个性的时刻,以及在困难时期你是否会站在真理和正直一边的人。

第三点是你是否会成为营地警卫这个问题的直接推论。 正如乔丹·彼得森所说,大多数人只会“服从”,因为随波逐流或流行的说法更容易。服从和服从是群众的标志。

残余 是那些培育和锻造内心怪物的人。他们是那些可以说“没有”面对虚假的叙述,坚持自己的立场不是因为有人告诉他们这样做,而是因为这是正确、诚实和真实的事情。


这就是身份建立的地方,并且 托尼·罗宾斯会说人类心灵中最大的力量是与自己的身份保持一致的需要。

Now is the time to forge the identity of the Bitcoiner. The Remnant. The intolerant minority. He or she who shall not yield.

这让我想起了那句著名的台词 斯巴达国王列奥尼达.



你是阿卡迪亚人还是斯巴达人?两者都可以,但现在是做出选择的时候了。另一个快速摘录自“Why You Should Sell Your Bitcoin“



It’s about unevenly distributing bitcoin into the hands of those who get it, who care and who are willing to go up with the rocket or down with the ship.




Bitcoin falling in price sharply, on a regular basis wipes out all the shitcoiners and get-rich-quick sub-humans so that the royals, nobles and pure bloods can collect.



正如兰迪·萨维奇(Randy Savage)所说……“你可能不喜欢它,但接受它。”

这是您发自内心地了解到 仅由 monetary measure that counts is how much bitcoin you have. If you have more today than you did yesterday or last week, you are winning.

The “exchange rate” between bitcoin and other units of account is irrelevant, because each of those units are transient in nature. What matters is the absolute territory you can amass on the Bitcoin network and your proportion of the total units of energy money available.



你是一个 Bitcoiner in the making.


这是一个客户后,由 亚历山大·斯维茨基(Aleks Svetski),“非共产主义宣言”的创始人 Bitcoin 时 和主持人“唤醒播客”。所表达的意见完全是他们自己的,并不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin 杂志.

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志