Great American Mining Is Solving Our Global Energy Problems With Bitcoin

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:6 分钟

Great American Mining Is Solving Our Global Energy Problems With Bitcoin

With its rapid bitcoin miner deployment at North Dakota operations, Great American Mining shows Bitcoin’s potential to solve energy crises.


这是官方的, Bitcoin is too big to ignore. In a geopolitical environment where global superpowers are looking for 一些 回答 bitcoin — whether it be attempting to 禁止 工作量证明协议完全或定位以激励协调努力以改进 理解 — this much is clear; Bitcoin is a serious topic, and the world’s leaders are now in the position where they can’t afford to not understand it.

Gone are the days of brushing the Bitcoin topic aside as something for hackers, hobbyists or criminals alone. Developments over the past four years have produced a strong argument that Bitcoin is shrugging off death for the umpteenth time, and that it will not be going away. And among all of these developments, perhaps Bitcoin’s growing role in the oil and gas industry is the biggest indicator that it has an undeniable place in the most foundational aspects of our society.

Bitcoin And Oil Fields

最近我受邀 伟大的美国矿业 (GAM) team to visit one of their bitcoin mining sites in North Dakota, given the opportunity to see firsthand what this symbiotic relationship of energy markets and bitcoin mining really looks like.


While the whole of the world panicked around the spread of a virus that was accompanied by an attempted pause of entire economies, and energy markets felt logistical nightmares in shipping and saw a boom in costs — while, simultaneously, there has been growing hysteria around Bitcoin’s energy consumption — GAM has embodied one of the Bitcoin community’s favorite mottos: “Stay humble, stack sats.”

好吧,就 GAM 而言,我会将其改写为:“保持谦虚,堆叠机架。” ASIC 矿机的机架和机架。

Great American Mining 正在堆放机架。


GAM is an American Bitcoin mining company that aims to provide a solution to oil and gas fields that have stranded energy that cannot be brought to market. You see, part of the process of pumping oil out of the earth comes with many complex issues — it’s not like the oil just exists in a perfect solution beneath the surface that is ready for immediate use. The associated expense with extracting oil has resulted in 北达科他州天然气大量燃烧。这导致威利斯顿盆地等地出现火炬燃烧。 

“油田矿工在井口附近或井口作业,那里生产石油或天然气液体,并产生干燥天然气作为废物。这种天然气无法经济地进入市场,因此要么被排放,要么被燃烧。当排放时,天然气(主要是甲烷)会直接逃逸到大气中,在 31 年内造成的温室效应约为二氧化碳的 2 倍。”

–CoinShares 2022 年 XNUMX 月 报告 on Bitcoin mining’s energy and carbon impact

GAM has been devising a strategy that allows for a plug-and-play option for oil wells that are flaring natural gas. No need to wait for government subsidies — bitcoin miners have a built in incentive to solve this environmental problem.

Instead of burning the natural gas with zero return potential, GAM offers a solution that is nice and simple for the wells by providing trailer-mounted miners (let’s call them “TraMMs” for short) that can be rapidly deployed onsite and accompanied by generators that get tied in to the natural gas. Once operation ready, the generators are set to an economic consumption rate so that the bitcoin miners can operate as close to 100% of the time with as little maintenance and tweaking as possible (both on the generator side, as well as the mining racks themselves).

Great American Mining 的拖车式采矿机。

What was really awe-inspiring to me was, well… really there were a few things that inspired awe from me. Firstly, the design of the TraMMs is done in-house. Not only are they capable of housing 150 to 300 bitcoin mining rigs per individual TraMM, but they come complete with an automated system that manages the temperature of the miners — if it gets too hot, the exhaust vents (it’s just hot air, environmentalists need not panic) automatically open or close to allow heat to leave the container.

第二件事是我与 GAM 运营总监 Wes Sellner 的讨论。


这意味着这些运营商生产石油和运输石油的速度比消费者利用滞留副产品的速度要快。 2014 年北达科他州强劲生产潜力报告也证实了这一动态 容量 以及北达科他州工业委员会听证会的一份报告,旨在解释 减少 该州的天然气燃烧。那是 在俄罗斯西部的活动向石油和天然气行业抛出曲线球之前(我讨论过这一点) 点击此处).

第三,GAM的成长给了我很大的启发。 2019 年 2021 月,GAM 拥有一台 TraMM 投入运行。然后,在进入封锁之际,该公司埋头苦干,致力于改进和完善其拖车,并在一年后的 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月将其车队数量增加到三辆。

A global pandemic and the halting of economies clearly did little to stymie the ambitions of Bitcoiners. By February 2022 (13 months later), its fleet now numbers 27 fully-deployed TraMMs in total. With its mining rigs operational at 12 different sites across North Dakota, that’s just over 20 megawatts of hash rate. According to the company, GAM is currently able to produce four new units per month, and is working on an expansion to its manufacturing facility to scale this up to 12 per month by the fall of this year.


现在,对于真正的, 令人兴奋的部分。考虑一下我们目前所处的情况。至少在过去十年里,化石燃料已被大力妖魔化。 美国 制裁俄罗斯石油,而欧盟则苦苦思索该怎么办,因为俄罗斯是其最大的化石燃料 提供者。 与此同时 印度 迫于形势而购买打折的俄罗斯原油。美国发现自己必须积极采取行动 重新思考 国内石油和天然气生产,以及其北部邻国 加拿大.

As noted, natural gas is a consistent byproduct of oil production, and GAM is proving there is high demand for its product in the state of North Dakota. GAM provides an opportunity for oil producers to monetize their gas flaring instead of just “lighting money on fire,” as Sellner likes to put it. North Dakota’s oil producers can’t flare their gas fast enough to meet oil demand. The demand for this strong, synergistic pairing of fossil fuels and bitcoin mining has plenty of running room without ramped-up domestic production. 

当您将 Great American Mining 的创业精神与美国的石油和天然气业务结合起来时,未来看起来一片光明

The future looks bright for this young company. While most of the world still attacks bitcoin mining’s implied environmental damage, this company and others like it are quietly solving massive energy and environmental problems that will only continue as our need for oil and energy grows.



这是迈克·霍巴特 (Mike Hobart) 的客座帖子。 表达的意见完全是他们自己的,不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin 杂志.

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志