创新中心 Bitcoin 矿工 CleanSpark 在熊市中继续发展

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:4 分钟

创新中心 Bitcoin 矿工 CleanSpark 在熊市中继续发展

由于许多 bitcoin mining firms struggle to remain operational, CleanSpark is poised to emerge from this bear market stronger than ever.

这不是什么秘密 bitcoin bear market is bad right now. According to some metrics, it’s one of the worst downturns in Bitcoin’s young history. And few sectors of the Bitcoin economy are as harshly affected by current market conditions than miners. But bear markets are precisely when mining winners are separated from losers: The agile and smart teams build and survive as the overleveraged and unprepared teams fall prey to an adverse environment.

一家在熊市中持续成长、收购和建设的公司是 清洁火花, a publicly-traded bitcoin mining company based in Nevada. This article highlights some of the moves this team has made over the past several months, contextualized with a bit of the brutal state of the mining market, making CleanSpark’s planning and execution all the more impressive and notable.

在继续之前,请务必注意本文仅用于教育目的。作者整理了这些信息和分析,以作为市场评论进行分享,而不是任何形式的建议。作者也不拥有 CleanSpark 的股份,也没有对该公司进行任何其他形式的个人财务投资。

Bitcoin Mining Bear Market

bitcoin 价格下降了 较历史高位下降约 70%. 哈希价格 - 每个单位算力的美元价值 - 正在迅速接近历史低点。几乎每周都会出现一个新的标题 诉讼, 破产案 和更多 破产案 在采矿业。矿工们都在努力维持运营,更不用说 跑赢大市 bitcoin。几乎不管 数据 有人看,现在的熊市很乱,很不好玩。

Despite all of this, the CleanSpark team continues to grow, buy and build as the next section explains. Priced in bitcoin, shares of CleanSpark are still slightly above where they started the year, according to data from TradingView, despite consistent broader market turmoil — not bad for a bear market.

CleanSpark 的熊市走势

许多矿业公司扮演“新闻稿英雄”的角色,宣布并计划增长,但往往未能按计划执行或根本无法执行。但自从其 第一次尝试 CleanSpark 于 2020 年 XNUMX 月进入采矿业 长大的 100 名员工和 3 exahashes (EH) 的在线算力,仅在过去一年算力就增加了两倍。

CleanSpark 也一直在持续疯狂采购 采矿硬件 即使市场状况恶化——或者可能正因为如此。公司购买了 4,500 去年 19 月的 Antminer SXNUMX 和 2,597 下个月更多。 6月,签订采购合同 1,800 蚂蚁矿机 S19 XP。 XNUMX月,公司收购 1,060 神马M30S。 XNUMX月,买了 3,400 更多 Antminer S19,然后是额外的 10,000 19 月份的 Antminer SXNUMXj Pros。

CleanSpark 今年几乎每个月都在完成新交易、合作和收购,其中包括 35 万美元的新融资(四月),与 TMGcore 合作(六月),与 Coinmint 签订的托管协议(七月),在佐治亚州收购了 86 兆瓦 (MW) 采矿设施(八月),并从莫森(Mawson)收购了一个交钥匙采矿场(九月).

在所有这些增长中,该公司稳健的财务状况使其成为排名最低的公司之一。 债务股本比率 在整个公共采矿部门。 Jaran Mellerud,Arcane Research 的采矿分析师, 说过 of the company: “CleanSpark's combination of quality and low valuation makes it one of the most interesting bitcoin mining stocks going forward.”

CleanSpark 简史

CleanSpark represents a unique type of mining company unlike most other teams in this sector of the bitcoin market, namely an energy company that transitioned into a mining company. Founded in 1987 as a software and energy company, CleanSpark started watching the mining industry only in the past couple of years. According to Matthew Schultz, CleanSpark’s executive chairman, the company was performing its diligence on the mining sector throughout 2020 and saw the series of high-profile bitcoin investments from Square, Tesla and MicroStrategy as “进一步验证”这个行业的合法性。 8月初,它完成了从能源到采矿业的转型 销售 its remaining energy assets to “focus completely on bitcoin mining.”

This transition gives CleanSpark a unique perspective on the market and something of an advantage to other mining-first companies that are merging or partnering with the energy industry. For example, CleanSpark knows well the obstacles facing partnerships and negotiations between the two industries, as CEO Zach Bradford said on a mining panel during the Bitcoin 2022 年迈阿密会议。

“没有人知道如何为稳定的负载计算如此大的功率,”布拉德福德 说过,指的是矿商在与电力公司进行交易时面临的障碍。


It’s anyone’s guess when the bear market will be over. Miners and everyone else in the bitcoin market could be in for an even longer, more painful period ahead. But mining companies are already separating themselves during the market downturn in preparedness and capitalizing on opportunities in a depressed market. Bull markets are times of celebrations for all the effort put into growth during bear markets. Winners are truly made during bear markets, and this is no truer for any industry than bitcoin 矿业。

根据迄今为止的发展轨迹,CleanSpark 似乎已成为赢家。

这是 Zack Voell 的客座帖子。 所表达的意见完全是他们自己的,不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin 杂志。

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志