How Lightning Network, Taproot Growth Signal The Future Of Bitcoin

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:8 分钟

How Lightning Network, Taproot Growth Signal The Future Of Bitcoin

The first day of Keyfest 2022 highlighted the growth of the Lightning Network and Taproot, and reflected on the future of Bitcoin.

的第一天 关键节 2022, 一个虚拟 Bitcoin conference hosted by Casa, was focused on the future of Bitcoin — exciting applications currently being developed and others that are growing in user base — and the continued growth of the Bitcoin network as it relates to on-chain metrics and global socio-economic impact on the adopting world.

在一个名为“Casa 年度峰会”的小组讨论中,Casa 的首席执行官 Nick Neuman 与 Casa 的首席技术官 Jameson Lopp、客户服务经理 Andrew Yang 和安全主管 Ron Stoner 一起参加了会议。

Before getting into specific details about Casa’s 2021, they discussed some fascinating statistics around Bitcoin that are quite telling for the network’s future expectations and latest achievements.

SegWit 和 Taproot

2017年隔离见证升级 将见证与阻止交易延展性或更改交易中提供的信息的能力的输入列表分开。 在访问受限的情况下,见证人不允许这种延展性发生。 SegWit 还允许软分叉在不需要硬分叉或新链的情况下增加区块容量。

SegWit was not instantaneously picked up by every node, and adoption takes time. One of the statistics Casa discussed was that 86% of Bitcoin network transactions are now SegWit.

然后,发言者将其与采用 直根. 四年后,14% 的交易是在没有隔离见证的情况下完成的。 同样,采用支付给 Taproot 的地址,以及 Taproot 带来的其他变化,也需要时间。

但是,想象网络再过四年,这难道不是一个令人鼓舞的想法吗? 由于 Taproot,我们将探索哪些新应用?


在整个 Keyfest 期间,演讲者谈到了 我们看到了巨大的增长 as the Lightning Network, the Layer 2 Bitcoin protocol built to handle smaller, everyday transactions, continues to push the boundaries of adoption.

Lightning 于 2018 年 1,104 月推出,容量将达到 XNUMX BTC 仅仅11个月后. 从 2021 年 XNUMX 月到 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月,总产能从 1,058 BTC 至 2,968 BTC,飙升 181%!

闪电公共频道总数超过 到 70,000 年 2021 月达到 XNUMX. 节点、通道和容量似乎都指向“向上和向右”。 由于选择退出的金融系统允许未经许可的财富积累,实时看到这种情况发生是令人惊讶的。 现在,对于卡萨。

Casa 2021年的变化

在 Keyfest 的第一届会议期间讨论了许多新添加的 Casa 功能。 首先,Casa 宣布将支持 Taproot 地址——对于一个试图展望未来采用道路的平台来说,这是一个明显的选择。

它还宣布了 Keystone 和 Foundation 硬件的集成,并为加密密钥添加了 QR 码传输,因为有些人对以前使用的云备份存在问题,该备份允许用户在本地存储密钥,而不需要使用云。 此更改允许用户在恢复选项中进行更多选择。

此外,对继承功能的更改允许简化流程,并且在某些情况下不需要 Casa 员工通过使用自动化提供帮助,而在其他情况下则不需要任何合同。 现在为客户提供推荐计划,因为 Casa 表示其许多用户都是推荐人。 还添加了平均美元成本 (DCA) 功能以及 Spectre 支持。 Spectre 允许用户利用他们的个人节点用自己的机器验证 Casa 的流程,而 Casa 实际上提供了如何做到这一点的指南。 这使用户可以更好地控制他们在 Casa 中的密钥,因为他们可以从自己的节点查看余额。

Casa 的工程团队增加了一倍,这使其能够使其微服务更加模块化和适应变化,同时创造更高水平的功效。 它还能够不断测试和隔离对其内部系统的攻击企图。

的未来 Bitcoin

The second session of Keyfest focused on the question, what does the future of Bitcoin 看起来像?

Neuman returned for this panel and was joined by Peter McCormack from the “What Bitcoin Did” podcast, as well as Obi Nwosu, cofounder of Coinfloor.

回到闪电网络的对话,人们非常关注网络的增长和可访问性。 闪电的创造允许出现 Bitcoin 海滩, a local community of opt-out citizens in El Salvador who decided Bitcoin worked better for them than the local currency. The world began to take notice, and so too did the government in their home 国家。

Nwosu’s hopes pointed to Nigeria as he discussed the continued adoption of Bitcoin, stablecoins and altcoins in that region. The naira has become deeply inflated, losing an absurd amount of value over the course of the past 30 years. Many people there look to anything that allows them to opt out of the naira. Stablecoins like tether are allowing them to at least maintain certain amounts of currency instead of having the government cannibalize its value, and bitcoin, as well as altcoins, provide hope to building wealth outside of their existing system. Now, obviously, we want the people of Nigeria on a Bitcoin standard, but their look to outside assets is the beginning, the spark.

Nueman spoke to Casa’s hopes of ensuring greater security for Casa users and accomplishing smoother on-ramps in the future. This becomes an inherent part of the conversation as we ruminate over the thought of other countries adopting a Bitcoin standard. We can see the countries that need it the most are those most likely to struggle finding an on-ramp with ease of use or accessibility. When the topic of adoption in these areas of the world arose, Neuman said that it starts with the fact that mostly everyone has a smartphone of some kind, meaning that’s where the application layers need to be, but he deferred to a more granular exploration from Nwosu.

Nwosu 随后讨论了进一步分散和加强网络的必要性。 和 B信托,它的目标之一是加入和教育位于这些地区的世界开发人员。 很少有人比那些亲身经历问题的人更倾向于为人们设计解决方案。 正如 Nwosu 所说,“爱因斯坦不仅存在于北美和欧洲。”

Nwosu went on to explain that most people in these parts of the world are still relying on exchanges for storage purposes. This need to decentralize and strengthen the network leads to the obvious, yet elegant solution of collaborative second-party custody, which is currently being utilized in El Zonte, El Salvador. Essentially, this is where multiple people get together and, through a shared wallet using multisig, each user pools their bitcoin, effectively creating a local bank or credit union.

Nwosu also voiced his opinion that nation states have proven to be the best educators on Bitcoin (insert coy smile). This happens when we have places like 中国 or 土耳其 come smashing down with a ban hammer and trying to prevent adoption. In both cases, people opted out of their current systems and found something that actually worked for them. The banning of an asset like bitcoin leads to further curiosity and increased conviction. It’s getting to the point that we almost want countries to ban Bitcoin不是吗?

未来的 Bitcoin is set on furthering decentralization by increasing nodes for both Bitcoin Core and Lightning, while drilling down on education as organizations and individuals like Nwosu focus on bringing in new development talent from the places that need help. Meanwhile, we look to the world of increased Taproot adoption and the furthering of applications, which took us to the final conversation of the day.


This part of the conversation focused largely on applications that the panel were excited for and why these different applications matter. John Tinkelenberg, content marketing manager for Casa; Matt Hill, CEO of Start9 Labs; and Lamar Wilson, cofounder of Black Bitcoin Billionaire led this session.

The beginning of the conversation started with the understanding that nodes have long been the backbone of the Bitcoin network. They serve as necessary validators in the process of making sure blocks continue to accurately represent the data within them. As Bitcoin has progressed, these nodes also allow a purpose of furthering decentralization by running your own server. Having your own server means being in control of your data. This is a personal responsibility.

The theme of this conversation was: the more free you want to be, the more responsible you need to be. There was a strong focus on creating your individual sovereignty by taking responsibility for your existence in the network by running your own node. Becoming immersed and learning each aspect of what it takes to be on the network and have responsibility to it is what allows many Bitcoiners their continued conviction and their ability to innovate within the space.

When asked to explain the differences between Umbrel and Start9, Hill continued to express these values as he explained that one, he’s clearly biased, and that two, that people should do their homework on a platform before becoming involved with it. While there are similarities in these different platforms that make running a node more accessible, there are also stark differences between them. It is the responsibility of each sovereign individual to do this research and find the platform that is best suited to them. Here are some fun applications that were discussed:

狮身人面像聊天: 分散的端到端通信,作为分散社交媒体的一种方式。 让创作者拥有其内容的所有权,无需中央服务器保存每个人的数据,并允许粉丝直接向创作者付款。 Bitwarden:运行良好的开源密码管理矩阵:想想 Slack,但没有集中式服务器。 开源和去中心化使馆操作系统:“一种大众市场的图形操作系统,旨在促进开源软件服务和应用程序的发现、安装、配置、私有自托管和可靠运行,”每 开源库。 “它的目的是消除个人计算的信任和托管。”


The sessions on the first day of Keyfest served as a great introduction into what Bitcoiners and Casa want the future of Bitcoin and application development to look like. There is a clear focus on providing greater security and knowledge to the community at large and furthering the decentralization of the network with continued progress that will allow higher levels of adoption in the places that need it the most.

这是 Shawn Amick 的客座帖子。 表达的意见完全是他们自己的,不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin 杂志.

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志