IMF Finally Admits Bitcoin Has Evolved Into An Integral Part Of The Digital Asset Revolution, But Highlights New Risks

作者:ZyCrypto - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟

IMF Finally Admits Bitcoin Has Evolved Into An Integral Part Of The Digital Asset Revolution, But Highlights New Risks

The International Monetary Fund thinks Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have come to the fore of financial markets.Despite being an integral part of the revolution, the fund highlights key risks that the asset class poses to the economy.The IMF has been highly critical of El Salvador’s Bitcoin adoption over the last few months.

After years of downplaying the effects of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, the International Monetary Funds concedes that the asset class is no more on the fringes. However, it warns of several potential pitfalls that could plague the wider markets.


国际货币基金组织在 11 月 2009 日由该基金分析师撰写的博客文章中透露了其对加密货币的立场。 该帖子确认,1 年首次推出的资产类别在不到 13 年的时间里已增长到超过 XNUMX 万亿美元,全球数百万人投资于这些资产类别。

“我们的分析表明,加密资产不再处于金融系统的边缘,” 国际货币基金组织说。 “鉴于它们相对较高的波动性和估值,它们增加的联动可能很快会对金融稳定构成风险,尤其是在广泛采用加密货币的国家。”

According to the IMF, the impressive growth of cryptocurrencies has come with the unintended consequences of a “contagion across financial markets”. The IMF notes that before the pandemic, Bitcoin and Ethereum moved independently from the stock markets and showed little to no correlation. However, after the response to the central bank crisis in 2020, stocks and cryptocurrencies now appear to move in sync

国际货币基金组织的报告继续引用标准普尔指数的走势 500 和新兴经济体的指标在得出此结论之前。 “For example the correlation between returns on the M<SCI emerging markets Index and Bitcoin was 0.34 in 2020-21, a 17-fold increase from the preceding years,” 阅读博文。

除了市场污染之外,国际货币基金组织此前曾警告称,加密货币的使用可能会 导致了一个特殊的加密问题 – causing liquidity risks and eventual economic destabilization. The IMF was one of the loudest dissenting voices against the move of El Salvador using Bitcoin 作为法定货币。


根据国际货币基金组织的说法,世界各国政府需要一种协调一致的全球方法来应对新的加密货币问题。 该基金希望建立一个全球框架,以 “监控和了解加密生态系统的快速发展及其带来的风险。”

该基金主张中央银行开发其版本的 CBDC,以遏制稳定币的日益增长的使用。 它吹捧 CBDC 是解决更快、更便宜和透明的跨境支付方法问题的解决方案。

已推出 CBDC 的国家包括中国、巴哈马和 尼日利亚和其他国家正处于不同的发展阶段.

原始来源: ZyCrypto