介绍 Fedi,全球 Bitcoin 采用技术

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:8 分钟

介绍 Fedi,全球 Bitcoin 采用技术

Fedi enables people around the world to easily interact with and use bitcoin in a decentralized, private and simple way.

This is an opinion editorial by Obi Nwosu, full-time Bitcoin advocate and board member for ₿trust, a not-for profit organization originally conceived by Jack Dorsey and Jay-Z to fund the location, education and remuneration of Bitcoin developers from untapped parts of the world, starting with Africa.


Who knew that a plane ride could change the future of Bitcoin?

There I was, on the way back from Lofoten in northern Norway, after an incredible and exhausting few days discussing how the Bitcoin community could support the objectives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), charities and human rights defender groups from around the world, and I was knackered.

Most people on the plane were fast asleep — justly so — but I couldn’t get any rest, such was my excitement reflecting on the last three days. I noticed a few people at the front having a conversation and I decided to join them. Jeff Booth, Lyudmyla Kozlovska, and Leopoldo Lopez were excitedly discussing how Bitcoin could be rolled out in the regions that their human rights defender groups operate in at scale.

I listened in on the conversation. They were explaining that with the right app, they could grow adoption of Bitcoin exponentially and in so doing help the people that they cared so deeply about.


By having simple, safe and private access to Bitcoin, anyone anywhere could have access to a currency that can’t have its inflation manipulated by any regime for their gain and to their citizens' loss. Having access to the Lightning Network would enable these people to quickly and cheaply receive money from NGOs, charities, their relatives in the diaspora or transact with international merchants and each other — all while protecting their privacy. However, existing options were too restricted such that the target users could not access them, or they were too complex and expensive or they were not designed to scale globally while protecting privacy.

With the right solution, these highly effective operators already had the facilities, knowledge and know-how needed to get hundreds, thousands, even millions of people in some of the most oppressed countries in the world to learn about Bitcoin and adopt a wallet. And if this wallet was easy enough to install and use then it would simply be a matter of letting the power of network effects do the rest. What would start with one million users would quickly become 10, then 100, and beyond. It sounded audacious but it was feasible that within a very short period, we could have one billion users on Bitcoin.


Ever since meeting Elsirion at the Hacker's Congress in Prague nearly a year earlier, and discovering Fedimint for the first time, I had dedicated my time to promoting, sponsoring and ensuring its growth. Now, what was crystal clear to me was the realization that Fedimint was the technology purpose-built to make the vision of rapidly getting to a billion Bitcoiners a reality.

One of the biggest challenges to bitcoin adoption today is custody — it’s daunting for people to do self-custody, and custodial solutions pose issues including unclear and ever changing regulation or risk of loss. We need only look at some of the 最近的监管故事 交易所损失、花费或冒着客户资产的风险 以获得警示性示例。对像 Fedimint 这样的解决方案的需求比以往任何时候都更大。

I've explained what Fedimint is in a previous Bitcoin 杂志文章 期间 我的演讲 Bitcoin 迈阿密2022 但总而言之,Fedimint 是:

- A form of community Bitcoin 保管。

- It utilizes federations, a Byzantine fault-tolerant multisig wallet technology similar to Blockstream's Liquid Network).

- It’s run collectively by groups of trusted community members we call “guardians,” for and on behalf of their communities.

- Has privacy through Chaumian Ecash.

- And is closely integrated with the Lightning Network.

(更多详细信息可以在 fedimint.org 网站和常见问题解答)

The result is a system that is simpler and more private than using an exchange or hardware wallet and that allows communities anywhere to take control of their bitcoin. Put simply, Fedimint is a form of bitcoin custody that is designed from the outset to work at global scale, enabling billions of people to receive, hold and spend bitcoin.

我与 Jeff、Leo 和 Lyuda 分享了我的解决方案,在随后的讨论中,这个想法诞生了 Fedi, the world’s simplest, most secure and private bitcoin 电子钱包把钱转出.

我们将使用 Fedimint 托管协议作为其他所有东西都可以连接的安全、简单和去中心化的核心。同样重要的是,需要有一个同样强大的用户界面。我将与 Fedimint 的关键人员合作组建一家商业公司以加速发展。为了实现全球快速增长,我们将利用非政府组织、慈善机构、活动家和人权维护者的经验和技能,将 Fedimint 引入他们的社区。

When I got back to my hometown of Lisbon, Portugal, the work began. Until this point Fedimint had been progressing as an open-source protocol project with a long-term plan to build a company around commercializing the user interface. Oslo changed everything. I described my experience to Elsirion, the inventor of Fedimint and Justin Moon, the founder of one of the largest Bitcoin meetups in North America, explained the desperate need and the bold new vision. They quickly saw the key role that the Fedimint protocol would play in helping those most in need around the world and agreed to join me as cofounders.

We then reached out to every Bitcoin-focused VC in the quest for capital partners who would understand the vision and were ready to come along on the journey. The response was phenomenal. We started with Kingsway Capital, a prolific investor in technology companies serving the Global South and more recently, Bitcoin companies. I reached out to Ten 31 VC who had been long-time supporters of Elsirion, the Fedimint protocol and me. And of course, I talked to ego death capital, as Jeff Booth was a key reason why I had come up with the growth strategy that catalyzed the project. Within a week not only had we raised our target seed, we had exceeded it and had to increase it twice. Within a month, we had closed the round. Beyond our lead investors, we were also fortunate to have investments from Trammell Venture Partners, Hivemind VC, Timechain, Recursive Capital and Steve Lee.

这不仅仅是风险投资。开源的Fedimint协议项目吸引了广泛组织的支持。 Blockstream 是第一个认识到这一潜力的公司,多年来一直赞助该项目,最近又重申了他们的承诺。早在进行股权投资之前,Ten 31 VC 就提供了一笔 BTC 资助,这向团队表明我们正在做某事。最近,Block 旗下的 Spiral 同意为全职从事该项目的开发人员提供大量资助。人权基金会 (HRF) 向 Fedimint 慷慨捐赠,我要感谢 HRF 的亚历克斯·格拉德斯坦 (Alex Gladstein) 邀请我参加奥斯陆自由论坛,这一切都是在这里发生的。最后,我为该项目捐款了一小笔。

The reason for the rapid response — even in this period of bearish sentiment — was simple. Everyone could see that this was Bitcoin's missing link — decentralized, privacy-preserving, Bitcoin custody. Furthermore, it solved a problem for a group of people who needed it the most and it solved it in a way that would send a signal to the rest of the world and prove once and for all that Bitcoin was not only useful, but essential for making the world a better, freer place.

今天,我令人难以置信的合作伙伴 Elsirion 和 Justin Moon 正在与越来越多的才华横溢的开源协议工程师和设计师合作,夜以继日地努力工作,以使 Fedimint 和 Fedi 成为现实。一年前,Elsirion 猜测他需要 24 个月左右的时间才能让 Fedimint 的第一个原型工作起来。但在接下来的几个月内 our combined talk at Bitcoin 迈阿密2022,以及由此产生的敬业且有才华的开发人员的涌入,我们有了一个工作原型。他们继续致力于开发,我们拥有的资金和支持将进一步更快地推动 Fedimint 协议和 Fedi 应用程序的进展。

最后,我将有幸与世界上一些最多产、最有成就的活动家一起工作。这些包括 Lyudmyla Kozlovska,他拥有成功捍卫乌克兰和后苏联欧洲人民权利的记录

主席 开放对话基金会。 我们还有 利奥波多·洛佩兹多年来,他一直在专制政权的枷锁下捍卫委内瑞拉人和其他拉丁美洲人的自由,即使这让他失去了自由; 法里达·纳博里玛(Farida Nabourema), the founder of Afro Bitcoin 2022, the first West African Bitcoin conference, who speaks eloquently on the challenges of places like her home country of Togo suffering under the weight of monetary colonialism due to the colonial franc; and 法迪·艾萨拉曼,他帮助提高了人们对生活在中东的挑战的认识。我将与他们合作,制定针对每个特定地区的挑战的推出策略,并利用他们丰富的实地知识和经验来确保 Fedi 的设计能够满足他们的需求。

Over the coming months we will all be working in parallel to complete and roll out the first version of the Fedimint protocol, launch the Fedi app — which to our knowledge will be the first Bitcoin wallet to be built using the IDEO首创的以人为本的设计方法, and to plan, test and implement our rapid global growth strategy — powered by freedom-loving people around the world. Bitcoin has been waiting for a technology for global Bitcoin adoption and Fedi, powered by Fedimint, is it.

这是 Obi Nwosu 的客座文章。所表达的意见完全是他们自己的,并不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin 杂志.

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志