Investment Giant Fidelity Says Countries That Adopt Bitcoin Early May Outperform Their Peers: Report

作者:The Daily Hodl - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟

Investment Giant Fidelity Says Countries That Adopt Bitcoin Early May Outperform Their Peers: Report

Financial services giant Fidelity says that more nations will buy Bitcoin (BTC) this year to remain competitive.

在一个新的 报告,该公司的策略师表示,一种高风险的博弈论形式正在发挥作用,那些不及早采用市值最高的加密资产的国家可能会落后于同行。

“如果 Bitcoin adoption increases, the countries that secure some Bitcoin today will be better off competitively than their peers.

因此,即使其他国家不相信投资理论或采用 BTC,他们也将被迫购买一些作为保险的形式。

In other words, a small cost can be paid today as a hedge compared to a potentially much larger cost years in the future. We therefore wouldn’t be surprised to see other sovereign nation states acquire Bitcoin in 2022 and perhaps even see a central bank make an acquisition.”

根据富达的说法,即将出台的法规(例如 XNUMX 月通过的美国基础设施法案)将有助于加密货币证明自己是合法的资产类别。


“该立法要到 2024 年才能生效,并且已经提出了多项修正案,所以时间会证明立法本身的结果。


Bitcoin 在撰写本文时,其交易价格为 43,546 美元,比 6.5 美元的 40,897 天低点上涨了 XNUMX%。

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该职位 Investment Giant Fidelity Says Countries That Adopt Bitcoin Early May Outperform Their Peers: Report 最早出现 每日Hodl.

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