Jimmy Song 和 Samson Mow 对战。 Vitalik Buterin,LABITCONF 大逃杀

By Bitcoinist - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:4 分钟

Jimmy Song 和 Samson Mow 对战。 Vitalik Buterin,LABITCONF 大逃杀

The fact that Jimmy Song and Samson Mow were in the same bill as Vitalik Buterin was interesting enough, but the actual panel was the equivalent of an atomic bomb blowing the stage up. What started as a discussion about the FTX collapse and saga, turned into a heated debate about bitcoin Vs. Ethereum pretty quickly. It was a spectacle. And Song and Mow ensembled into some kind of bitcoin killing machine right before our eyes. 


Besides the already mentioned characters, Ripio’s Juan Llanos and Kraken’s Alejandro Palantzas completed the panel. The moderators were Rodolfo Andragnes and Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar, Co-founder of the Bitcoin Argentina NGO. At first, Llanos tried to explain the FTX saga in a polite way. It was a stressful situation and mistakes were made, he said. However, Samson Mow wasn’t having it. “The main problem is that they built their business on a sh*tcoin,” he said. Vitalik laughed. Everything was fine. 

"The main problem is that they built their business on a shitcoin", explains @Excellion 关于 #FTX's collapse at the main stage of @labitconf

告诉他们,老大! #LABITCONF @JAN3com @BFXLeosESP pic.twitter.com/WIcvVSL0gU

— Javier ₿astardo @ (@criptobastardo) 2022 年 11 月 11 日

根据 Mow 的说法,“这与监管机构无关。 FTX 与监管机构关系密切,”这是一个了不起的观点。 山姆·班克曼-弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 是奉承政府以使整个加密货币行业对监管机构更加友好的代言人。 该运动现在处于什么位置? 之后,Jimmy Song 更上一层楼,说是的,所有这些都发生了,但真正的问题是使用中心化服务作为托管人。 正如古老的格言所说:不是你的钥匙,不是你的硬币。 

到目前为止,一切都很好。 但空气中已经充满了紧张……

Jimmy Song 和 Samson Mow 对战。 维塔利克布特林

Finally, it was Vitalik’s turn. He criticized Bankman-Fried’s megalomania and compared the FTX billboards and the stadium naming to the behavior of dictators from the last century. Vitalik explained how the FTT racket worked, and Samson Mow dropped the bomb. Mow said that a lot of what Vitalik was saying also applies to Ethereum and all hell broke loose.

主持人 Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar 试图让事情集中在 FTX 上,但他失败了。 猫从袋子里出来了。 Gutiérrez Zaldívar 向 Samson Mow 询问“sh*tcoin”的定义,前 Blockstream 刚刚描述了以太坊及其功能,而 Vitalik 则难以置信地看着。 “sh*tcoins 的问题在于,它们在亚马逊上运行时假装是去中心化的,大多数情况下,没有人可以运行节点。”

'Shitcoin' definition, by @Excellion @ @labitconf #LABITCONF @JAN3com pic.twitter.com/CYIeSKTcCA

— Javier ₿astardo @ (@criptobastardo) 2022 年 11 月 11 日

根据 Jimmy Song 的说法,FTX 的崩溃真正的教训是人们必须自我保管并验证自己的交易,期间。 宋批评了信任而不是验证的山寨币文化。 “你需要学习如何验证你自己的东西,如果你不吸取教训,你就会完蛋。 这只是时间问题。”

Since it was two against one, Gutiérrez Zaldívar took it upon himself to protect Vitalik and Ethereum. He didn’t do a very good job. He gave Alejandro Palantzas the word and Palantzas said there’s a reason companies like Kraken and Coinbase are still in business 10 years later. They have resisted the temptation to print their own token or “sh*tcoin,” and “they didn’t do it because it’s morally wrong.” According to Palantzas, all the scammers in the space don’t understand what bitcoin 真的是。 Bitcoin “is freedom, it’s liberty.”

Bitstamp 上 11/16/2022 的 BTC 价格图表 | 资料来源:BTC/USD 上 TradingView.com

Mow 将山寨币世界比作赌场

When Samson Mow defined “sh*tcoins,” he said that they advertised themself as decentralized when they had an obvious issuer. Vitalik challenged him asking if Satoshi was bitcoin’s issuer. Mow responded that what Satoshi did was set up a number of rules that a lot of people followed, which is not the same as being a central issuer. Neither Mow nor Song stated the obvious, that Satoshi is not among us while Vitalik and other altcoin CEOs are. And their influence over the protocols they preside over is immense. 

Vitalik 在谈到让普通人可以方便地进行自我监护时,获得了当晚最大的成功。 他走的是取悦人群的路线,并表示整个行业应该共同努力实现这一目标,公众爆发了。 莫说,与普遍的看法相反,自我监护很容易。 人们只需按照硬件钱包的说明进行操作即可。 Jimmy Song 进一步表示,如果人们不愿意付出努力和学习一些东西,他们就不配获得“自主权钱”。 

此外,Song 通过说“我知道你不想听到这个,我知道你想把你的钱给 Vitalik”来扼住以太坊创造者的喉咙。 对此,Vitalik 回答说他甚至不相信 Vitalik 用他的钱,并解释了他的 4/6 多重签名钱包的设置。 这很有趣,但回避了真正的问题。 他是不是在以太坊的中心?

为了结束尴尬但非常有趣的小组讨论,Gutiérrez Zaldívar 以当晚最热门的歌曲结束。 他说,悬而未决的问题留给大家去思考,“因为我们没有真相,只是分享我们的想法。”


Featured Image: Song, Mow, and Buterin at LABITCONF, by Ed. Prospero | Charts by TradingView

原始来源: Bitcoin是