哈萨克斯坦距离 CBDC 推出又近了一步——数字坚戈即将到来?

作者:CryptoNews - 8 个月前 - 阅读时间:1 分钟

哈萨克斯坦距离 CBDC 推出又近了一步——数字坚戈即将到来?

Kazakhstan is edging closer to the “launch” of a CBDC, making it the latest former Soviet nation to announce its foray into the digital fiat sphere.
Per Telesputnik, the Central Bank laid out a detailed proposal for a digital version of the fiat tenge to the nation’s Supreme Audit Chamber.
The bank began initial tests on a CBDC back in 2021, but was previously reluctant to commit to a rollout....
Read More: Kazakhstan Takes Another Step Closer to CBDC Launch – Digital Tenge on Its Way?

原始来源: CryptoNews