Kevin O'Leary 透露加密策略,为什么他更喜欢以太坊,说 NFT 将比 Bitcoin

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Kevin O'Leary 透露加密策略,为什么他更喜欢以太坊,说 NFT 将比 Bitcoin

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, has shared his cryptocurrency investment strategy and which coins he owns. He also discussed crypto market bubbles, diversification, regulation, and why he thinks non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will be bigger than bitcoin.

Kevin O'Leary 讨论他的加密投资、市场泡沫和 NFT

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary discussed cryptocurrency, his investment portfolio, diversification, market bubbles, meme coins, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in a recent 访问 with Forbes, published Friday.

他解释说,他将“整个加密行业视为软件开发团队”,并补充说他押注于“非常有创意的软件工程师”。 在谈论他持有的加密货币时,他透露:

Ether is my largest position, bigger than bitcoin.

“这是因为很多金融服务和交易都发生在它上面,”鲨鱼坦克明星描述道。 “即使是像 Polygon 这样的新软件也在开发中,它可以整合交易并降低以太坊天然气费用的总体成本。”

O'Leary 然后提到了他拥有的一些加密货币,他说:

I own hedera, polygon, bitcoin, ethereum, solana, serum — these are bets on software development teams and there are many, many use cases for them.

此外,Wonderful 先生补充说,他“在 USDC 拥有重要而重要的地位”,并指出他“开始为资产买单,并以稳定币的形式获得收益”。

“归根结底,决定平台成功和价值的是采用的速度和水平。 当团队开发了一个解决经济问题的平台时,就会发生这种情况,”他认为。

O'Leary 继续发表他对 meme 加密货币的看法。 他指出,“没有经济价值的长期代币是因为它们不能解决任何问题或创造任何价值,”他警告说:


The Shark Tank star was also asked whether he thinks bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies are in a bubble. He replied: “The thing to realize is, the market is the market. No one person can manipulate it, even though people claim they can … It’s millions of decisions being made every second in terms of what something is worth. And it applies to every market, whether it’s tulips, watches, bitcoin, real estate or gold.”


你不知道什么时候是泡沫,你根本不知道。 如果你认为你这样做了,那你就大错特错了。

O’Leary believes in portfolio diversification. The cryptocurrency portion of his portfolio has been 成长. He detailed that at some point cryptocurrency “might get to 20% of my operating company — but right now, it’s about 10.5%.” He clarified:

在该投资组合中,没有一个代币或链超过该投资组合的 5%。 所以是的,我正在根据波动性积极添加和修剪。

In addition, he said that he is doing a lot of staking. “Most of my positions are now being staked,” he confirmed, noting that he’s using the crypto exchange FTX for staking. Mr. Wonderful 公布 in October that he is taking an equity stake in the crypto exchange and will be “paid in crypto to serve as an ambassador and spokesperson for FTX.”

当被问及美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 是否有可能将他拥有的一些加密货币确定为证券以及如果发生这种情况他会怎么做时,奥利里迅速回答:

信息传出去的那一刻,我不想和他们有任何关系。 如果我有头寸,我会卖掉它。 我没有兴趣与监管机构就我的加密投资组合发生冲突。 我想要 100% 合规。

He 说的一样 关于 XRP 在11月。 XRP is the subject of an SEC lawsuit against Ripple Labs and its executives, Brad Garlinghouse and Chris Larsen. “I have zero interest in investing in litigation against the SEC. That is a very bad idea,” he stressed.

O'Leary 还讨论了不可替代的代币 (NFT)。 “它们在身份验证、库存管理和不同资产类别的各种用例方面提供了如此多的价值,”他描述道,并补充道:

I think non-fungible tokens are going to be bigger than bitcoin.

他继续提请注意他的 NFT 项目。 “我更喜欢与硬资产、实物资产相关的 NFT; 我正在为手表行业编写白皮书,”他说。 “我对 Jordan Fried 的公司 Immutable Holdings 进行了重大投资,该公司拥有他于 XNUMX 月推出的 以及 Wonderfi。”

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原始来源: Bitcoin