Kevin O'Leary 分享加密投资策略——他现在 20% 的投资组合是加密和区块链

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Kevin O'Leary 分享加密投资策略——他现在 20% 的投资组合是加密和区块链

《创智赢家》明星凯文·奥利里(又名“奇妙先生”)分享了他的加密货币投资策略。他透露,目前他的投资组合中有 20% 是加密货币和区块链。 “重点是你不知道谁会赢。”

Kevin O'Leary 的加密货币投资策略

O'Shares ETF 主席兼《Shark Tank》明星 Kevin O'Leary 周五在接受 CNBC 采访时分享了他的加密货币投资策略。


我拥有数百万美元,我的投资组合的 20% 现在是加密货币和区块链。

In November last year, he said that crypto accounted for 他投资组合的10%. His investments in cryptocurrency 突破 his gold investments for the first time in October last year.


你必须多元化。我拥有 32 个不同的头寸,包括 FTX 本身的股票。

O’Leary became a paid ambassador and 发言人 for FTX, the crypto exchange founded by 30-year-old billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried, in August last year.



评论 行政命令 on the regulation of cryptocurrency signed by President Joe Biden Wednesday, Mr. Wonderful said: “It wasn’t an all-out ban, so that’s good news.”

Many people in the crypto industry 欢迎进入 Biden’s executive order. Some say it provides legitimacy to crypto while others are glad that it does not contain extremely restrictive measures they had anticipated.

However, O’Leary expressed concerns about the way Biden’s directive includes an emphasis on climate risks associated with cryptocurrency. He said he sold his positions in publicly traded bitcoin mining firms after Biden’s executive order.

Last week, the celebrity investor revealed that he had a 会议 with a group of U.S. senators regarding cryptocurrency regulations, particularly how they apply to institutional investors. He has been saying for quite some time that the price of bitcoin 将“appreciate dramatically” when institutions are able to invest in cryptocurrency. He expects that it would take two to three years.

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原始来源: Bitcoin