
By Bitcoin.com - 2 年前 - 阅读时间: 2 分钟


作为周四开始的突袭行动的一部分,科索沃警方查获了另外一批 200 多台采矿设备。 在该国能源危机期间,普里什蒂纳当局禁止耗电的数字货币铸造后,发起了针对地下加密农场的攻势。


科索沃的执法人员没收了数百台矿机,作为在电力短缺的情况下遏制加密采矿活动的一部分。 在该国以塞族为主的北部地区最近的一次警察行动中逮捕了一人。

据法新社报道,科索沃警方发表的一份声明显示,当局在 Leposavic 市查获了 272 台用于生产加密货币的设备。 “整个行动发生并没有发生任何事件,”内政部长 Xhelal Svecla 在 Facebook 上的一篇帖子中指出。

Finance Minister Hekuran Murati also took to the social media platform to point out that the estimated monthly consumption of the mining equipment is as much as the power used by 500 homes, worth between €60,000 and €120,000 euros. Murati also stated:


The new seizure has brought to 342 the total number of mining rigs confiscated since the raids against miners started earlier this week, data from the Ministry of Interior shows. The crackdown began after the government in Pristina 暂停 all mining operations on Tuesday, citing the growing power deficit in the cold winter months.


Amid the government offensive on mining facilities, tensions have been running high between the central government of Kosovo, dominated by ethnic Albanians, and the ethnic Serbs who form a majority in four municipalities in the north of the partially recognized republic in South East Europe. Serbs do not accept the authority of Pristina and have not paid for electricity in over two decades, since the 1998 – 1999 Kosovo war.

该国的公用事业公司仍在用自己的收入支付账单,根据当地媒体引用的估计,每年的总额为 12 万欧元。 当前的能源危机,由于当地发电不足和进口价格上涨而加剧,将这个问题推到了最前沿。 警方还在阿尔巴尼亚族占多数的地区进行了两次突袭,缴获了 70 台采矿设备。

经济部长 Artane Rizvanolli 提出了加密采矿禁令作为紧急步骤,以及一个特别议会委员会提出的其他措施。 然而,批评人士对其合法性提出了质疑,因为现行立法并未禁止铸造数字货币。 XNUMX 月份提交给议会的加密货币监管法律草案尚未获得通过。

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原始来源: Bitcoin