喜欢 Bitcoin, Everything Important Is Proof-of-Work

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:6 分钟

喜欢 Bitcoin, Everything Important Is Proof-of-Work

Bitcoin is simply one of many proof-of-work systems that creates the most important outputs and skills in the world.

In a moment of balance and strength, I felt my muscles stiffen, the pressure against my right triceps increasing. Flirting with gravity, I engaged my core like I had a hundred times before, raised my hips a little higher, and started angling my upper body towards my friend. I looked at him with a labored gaze before I remembered my many teachers' endless insistence that I smile. With equal part astonishment and equal part disbelief, he muttered that he could never possibly do that: "That's impossible. You are just so flexible!"

The great mistake in that sentence is the word “are”: it took me five years to reach that yoga pose, and only in the last 12 months or so was I strong enough to finally experiment with the arm balance we were exploring. There was no static "are" involved, no fixed description that somehow belonged to my being or inscribed in my genome. Combining the balance, the strength, the flexibility, and the concentration required to hold my body in place was no mere accident or circumstance. For hours on end, day after day, week after week, I had put my money where my mouth was – or rather, body where my yoga mat was – and 忍着。我已经把 随着时间的推移 导致身体有足够的能力和力量来保持复杂的手臂平衡。

什么 Bitcoin network’s proof-of-work so neatly captures about reality is that nothing valuable in our world comes from nothing; nothing worth having can be had by the waving of magic wands. You must put real-world resources behind the computer network that powers bitcoin, for a randomized yet pre-programmed chance at receiving some new coins. “Let there be light,” said God allegedly – and nobody else ever. This isn’t just true in the ethereal world of digital money, but in probably every endeavor worth doing.

这些天无论我往哪里看,我都能看到工作量证明。人们所获得的技能就是他们的工作证明——在计算机编码之前的漫长艰苦的时间,在试图驾驶飞机的模拟器中,在炎热的阳光下砌砖,或者在教你如何做的学徒或培训中安全地铺设电线或进行心脏直视手术。这个或那个播客拥有的庞大的播客目录,或者某些作家所创造的惊人产出,都是工作量证明。人们与朋友、家人和爱人建立的关系就是工作的证明。它们都包含不同的成分,以不同的方式存在,起点不同,但都需要培育才能蓬勃发展。 它们之所以存在并蓬勃发展,是因为参与者为它们付出了努力。

我们所有人的人生起点都截然不同,有时另一个人的天赋似乎并不重要 完全不公平。那家伙先声夺人;这家伙很幸运;该家庭有经济来源;那些人有更好的基因。通常,与其他人或我们想象的其他人过的理想生活相比,我们认为自己处于独特的劣势。即便如此,很少有人能够仅凭天赋或能力取得成功:即使是最有才华的篮球运动员也需要在球场上投入大量时间;拥有最完美身材的棒球击球手需要将击球能力磨练到完美。

Nobody gets anything for free, not even the Bitcoiners who stumbled onto the world’s best performing asset way before it was cool. They faced challenges of their own that us latecomers never had to: they doubted the entire project, more than once – every time something bad happened or their underdeveloped markets dropped 80%. They had to learn on their own, rather than follow podcasters and how-to guides for everything. They had to invent, circumvent, or build the technical and financial infrastructure that the rest of us take for granted today. Yes, the ones who grasped the importance of bitcoin in the early days, and put in the mental and practical work required, have been richly rewarded – but they also faced challenges to their diamond hands that the rest of us could hardly even imagine.

Deep friendships don’t drop from the sky, but require long and hard work. Beyond the youthful relations that bloom during intense summers or first semesters at college, the enduring friendships we grown-ups have nurtured remain precisely because we maintain them. With our best friends, we've gone through rough patches, dealt with hard times, shared accomplishments, and 放入 当他们想要或我们需要时所需的时间。

灵魂伴侣、终生伴侣和其他理想化的爱情描述需要更高的奉献和谈判。它们需要时间来培养,不仅仅是几天、几周和几年,而是一起度过的时间、探索、改进、尝试,是的,还有谈判。成功的关系是工作的证明。与另一个人建立亲密的生活是很困难的,政治、社会分歧和经济困难的压力越大,就越难。一个人并不简单地 刷卡 正确几次,然后毫不费力地找到他们完美的人生伴侣:无论你们多么般配,这都需要付出努力——时间、注意力、承诺、脆弱性和大量的牺牲。重要的是工作证明,而不是事故证明或短暂的吸引力。

在我的生活中,只有一种牛排证据是我认可的——我发送的肉食性食物的照片,不是像我的千禧一代同胞那样发到Instagram上,而是发给我的shicoiner朋友们(总是附有评论)质押)。甚至这种牛排证明在技术上也是工作量证明,因为你需要寻找它、赚取它、制造它,最重要的是:在它开始将你打造成更强大的人之前做出承诺。 牛排的目的是.


It’s no surprise that a generation of proof-of-stake later, we're 都被宠坏了兼容, naive and credulous, unhealthy and stupid. It's no wonder we trust our 货币霸主 比我们自己与世界的互动更重要的是:我们的法定权益证明系统中的最高利益相关者说某件事是这样的,那么我当然应该反对谁呢?

Everyone Gets the Bitcoin Price They Deserve

Everything important in life requires you to focus, to work diligently toward the thing you desire. You will face set-backs; others will do better than you; and you will wonder why on Earth you even try. Before you actually get around to pressing that buy button, do that bitcoin-paying gig, or mine those first sats, you get nothing.

世界上的一切都需要工作——体力、脑力或经济。什么 we ,那恭喜你, isn’t fixed, and at the bottom of bitcoin’s promise to the world lies the promise that work rewards and discipline matters. Everyone gets bitcoin when they’re ready, or intellectually open to it; everyone thus gets the bitcoin 价格和 分配 他们应得的。

You don’t get things for nothing; You must put in the work before you reap the rewards. Bitcoin teaches us that. Until very recently in our societies, reality taught us that too.


这是 Joakim Book 的客座帖子。 表达的意见完全是他们自己的,不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin 杂志.

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志