莱特币网络采用序数铭文,如下 Bitcoin的领导

By Bitcoin.com - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟

莱特币网络采用序数铭文,如下 Bitcoin的领导

Following a growing trend of Ordinal inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain, the technology has been ported to the Litecoin network, and the number of onchain Litecoin inscriptions has surpassed 13,000. Software developer Anthony Guerrera made Ordinal inscriptions on the Litecoin network possible by receiving 22 Litecoin to port the technology to the proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain.


加密货币网络莱特币的支持者(LTC) 很高兴听到序号铭文现在可以在网络上使用。 软件开发人员 安东尼·格雷拉 在报价从 五个LTC22令牌.

While Litecoin’s network has a number of differences, its codebase shares similarities with Bitcoin,包括 增加 像隔离见证(Segwit)和 直根,这使得 Litecoin 网络上的 Ordinal 铭文成为可能。

“请进: BTC Ordinals 现在在 Litecoin 上,”Guerrera 在 18 月 XNUMX 日发推文说。编码员还分享了托管在 Github 上的开源代码库,并进一步解释说他在链上刻上了第一个 Ordinal。 开发商 说过:

第一个 Litecoin Ordinal 已刻在 Litecoin 区块链上。 mimblewimble 白皮书将永远存在于莱特币中。

自代码库发布以来,Guerrera 在 Twitter 上分享了第一个基于莱特币的 Ordinal 铭文, 基于 LTC 的序数 已经显着增长。 在撰写本文时,莱特币区块链上大约有 13,211 个序号。 许多人在社交媒体上分享他们的 Litecoin Ordinal 铭文并推广他们新推出的基于 LTC 的收藏品。

Meanwhile, the number of Ordinal inscriptions on the Bitcoin 区块链已经超越 160,000, and the growing trend shows no sign of slowing down. Furthermore, people are building infrastructure around Bitcoin-based Ordinals, such as minting tools that can issue an Ordinal inscription without a full node for a base fee, wallets, and marketplaces.

也有 众多的收藏品 competing to be the ‘blue-chip’ non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Bitcoin blockchain. It’s hard to say whether the trend will grow on Litecoin as it did on the Bitcoin network, but after Guerrera minted the first one, thousands have followed. It will be interesting to see if digital collectibles minted on either Bitcoin or Litecoin will enter the established NFT market economy dominated by chains such as Ethereum.

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原始来源: Bitcoin