圣马丁岛议会议员计划支付全部工资 Bitcoin 现金

By Bitcoin.com - 2 年前 - 阅读时间: 3 分钟

圣马丁岛议会议员计划支付全部工资 Bitcoin 现金

On Saturday, the leader of the United People’s Party and member of St. Maarten’s Parliament, Rolando Brison, announced that he’s become the first elected official to request his entire salary paid in bitcoin cash. Brison believes St. Maarten can be the “Crypto Capital of the Caribbean,” as long as his country continues to embrace blockchain technology and cryptocurrency solutions.


While El Salvador is known for its bitcoin tender law, the Caribbean has become a hotbed for cryptocurrency adoption and more specifically with bitcoin 现金(BCH)。 来自的数据 地图。bitcoin 显示目前加勒比地区有数百家商家接受 BCH 对于商品和服务。 19月XNUMX日,圣马丁议会议员、联合人民党(UP Party St. Maarten)领导人, 罗兰多·布里森(Rolando Brison), 公布 that he is receiving his entire salary in bitcoin 现金 (BCH).

这位政府官员认为,圣马丁应该继续探索“不断增长的加密货币现象”。 Brison 在声明中坚称,他已要求圣马丁的财政部长 Ardwell Irion 向他介绍在政府中使用区块链技术的计划。 “我相信,如果我们继续创新和拥抱加密货币以及区块链技术的所有好处,圣马丁有机会成为‘加勒比加密货币之都’,”布里森在周六的一份声明中解释道。

Brison Is ‘Exploring Legislation in Order to Make Bitcoin Cash Legal Tender in St. Maarten’

On Twitter, the St. Maarten elected official told his followers that he was the first member of the government to get his entire salary in crypto asset payments. “Today I become to first elected official in the world to have his entire salary paid in bitcoin cash, as our country moves more and more to making use of cryptocurrency and blockchain,” Brison 啾啾. “感谢 [Roger Ver] 为使圣马丁成为加勒比地区的加密货币之都提供的指导,”圣马丁 UP 党领袖补充道。

在公告中,布里森指出,在去年的一次会议上,圣马丁的财政部长表示,加密和区块链的采用是研究的优先领域。 布里森表示,他赞赏财政部长迈向创新的想法。 UP党领袖表示,下一个重要步骤是引入加密货币和区块链立法。

“虽然我们需要通过我提出的消费者银行立法来改善我们传统的商业银行形式,但我们同时需要制定立法,使圣马丁的加密货币交易更加有效和有价值,”布里森解释说。 圣马丁议会议员补充说,他已开始探索立法,以使 bitcoin 现金(BCH) 该国的法定货币。 此外,布里森旨在获得 BCH 和不可替代的代币(NFT)交易免征圣马丁的资本利得税。

“The concept of ‘Money’ has been experiencing and will continue to experience a wave of innovation,” the St. Maarten elected official added. “This innovation comes as we as a country and as Parliamentarians are faced with more questions on how to adapt our local currency and (E)commerce for a digital world. Fortunately, the answer lies right in front of us – Bitcoin Cash.”

What do you think about the St. Maarten UP Party leader and Parliament member Rolando Brison getting his entire salary paid in bitcoin cash? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

原始来源: Bitcoin