
By Bitcoin.com - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟


根据本周发布的一份工作清单,移动软件、基于云的服务和商业智能 (BI) 公司 Microstrategy 正在寻找一名全职闪电网络软件工程师。 如果被聘用,开发人员将为公司构建一个基于闪电网络的软件即服务 (SaaS) 平台,以便将其用于电子商务用例,并与寻求支付解决方案的企业建立联系。

Microstrategy 聘请闪电网络软件开发人员

公司后 购买 301 bitcoin (BTC) to hold on its balance sheet, the BI firm Microstrategy published a job listing on the web portal smartrecruiters.com. Microstrategy’s job offer is for full-time employment as a Bitcoin Lightning Software Engineer and the chosen individual will be in charge of creating a Lightning Network (LN) SaaS platform.

“作为一个 Bitcoin Lightning Software Engineer at Microstrategy, you will build a Lightning Network-based SaaS platform, providing enterprises with innovative solutions to cyber-security challenges and enabling new ecommerce use-cases,” Microstrategy executive Chen Wan explains.

感兴趣的人必须具有计算机科学或相关领域的学士学位和“硕士学位或博士学位”。 计算机科学/工程专业是一个加分项,”Wan 的工作总结详细信息。 此外,求职者应该“对数据结构、算法、操作系统、分布式系统和其他基本的计算机科学概念有深入的了解,”职位列表补充道。

The Lightning Network is a second layer (L2) scaling solution for Bitcoin that was first introduced in 2015. At the time of writing the LN capacity is 4,905.29 BTC 或价值 95.2 万美元。 据统计,目前有 17,203 个 LN 节点和 84,928 个支付渠道 统计 30 月 12,305 日,LN Tor 节点数量约为 69.3 个,LN Tor 容量百分比为 XNUMX%。

Microstrategy’s engineering job says that the chosen person will build software solutions leveraging the Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain and Lightning Network, as well as “other decentralized finance (defi) technologies.” Furthermore, contributing to the Bitcoin Core codebase and other types of open source cryptocurrency coding projects is “a plus.”

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原始来源: Bitcoin