NBER Study Reveals Bitcoin Is Over Concentrated And Vulnerable To A 51% Attack

作者:ZyCrypto - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟

NBER Study Reveals Bitcoin Is Over Concentrated And Vulnerable To A 51% Attack

一项新的研究表明, Bitcoin is concentrated in the hands of a few whales.The research goes on to reveal that Bitcoin miners are heavily concentrated and leave the network susceptible to a 51% attack. The largest BTC whales include MicroStrategy, Satoshi Nakamoto, Micree Zhan, and the Winklevoss twins.

的卖点之一 Bitcoin is the extent of its decentralization over traditional financial systems. A recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research reveals that the network might not be as decentralized as we think.


An in-depth study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, (NBER) has revealed that the bulk of Bitcoins is owned by a few individuals. The research team utilized a methodology that involved splitting addresses between intermediaries and individuals, which generated interesting results despite the difficulty of the undertaking.

研究显示,10,000 个钱包控制着超过 6,000,000 BTC,占流通中加密货币总量的三分之一。进一步调查后,NBER 发现领先的 1,000 名投资者拥有约 3,000,000 BTC,并且指标高度集中在阶梯上。 

“这种集中度的衡量很可能是轻描淡写的,因为我们不能排除一些最大的地址由同一实体控制的情况,” 研究人员说。 “Our results suggest that despite the significant attention that Bitcoin has received over the years, the Bitcoin ecosystem is still dominated by large and concentrated players, be it large miners, Bitcoin holders or exchanges.”

加密货币矿工也存在集中化趋势,领先的 10% 矿工占资产生成的 90%,而只有一小部分矿工占 50%。尽管该网络看似去中心化,但 NBER 的研究继续描绘了一幅不同的图景。

根据该研究,矿工高度集中的缺点是网络容易遭受 51% 的攻击。当攻击者获得区块链哈希能力的多数控制权时,就会发生这种攻击。

最大的 Bitcoin Whales And Miners

Although it’s hard to tell who the largest holders of Bitcoin are, some entities stand out from the pack as the biggest whales. For organizations, MicroStrategy is the largest entity with an 估计有 111,042 枚比特币,价值超过 6 亿美元,并且没有显示出收购放缓的迹象.

Bitcoin’s founder, Satoshi Nakamoto is said to have over 1 million BTC in his possession which would make him the largest whale. Other noteworthy individuals include the Winklevoss brothers, Barry Silbert, Tim Draper, Michael Novogratz, and Micree Zhan, the owner of Bitmain.

Prior to China’s cryptocurrency crackdown, the country accounted for over 50% of Bitcoin’s hash rate but with the tide turning, America now has the highest concentration of Bitcoin 矿工。哈萨克斯坦和俄罗斯分列第二和第三位。

原始来源: ZyCrypto