Nigeria To Establish Special Economic Zone For Bitcoin,加密

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟

Nigeria To Establish Special Economic Zone For Bitcoin,加密

The NEPZA is in discussions with Binance and Talent City to establish a special economic zone for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in West Africa.

Nigeria seeks to create a special economic zone for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. NEPZA is in discussion with Binance and Talent City to establish a partnership. The economic zone will reportedly mirror the Dubai Virtual Free Zone.

Nigeria is seeking to create the first economic free zone for bitcoin and cryptocurrency in West Africa through the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority (NEPZA), per a 新闻稿.

NEPZA 正在与 Binance,领先的加密货币交易所之一,以及 人才城 专门建设经济特区。

Our goal is to engender a flourishing virtual free zones to take advantage of a near trillion dollar virtual economy in blockchains and digital economy," said Adesoji Adesugba, NEPZA's managing director.

此外,NEPZA 解释说,如果达成合作伙伴关系,最终产品将反映 迪拜虚拟自由区.

In fact, this past December, Binance 进入了一个 谅解备忘录 with the Dubai World Trade Center. The memorandum intends to make Dubai a hub for bitcoin and cryptocurrency related products and services by creating a “new international virtual asset ecosystem.”

去年 XNUMX 月,尼日利亚中央银行发布了 邮件 banning regulated institutions from “dealing” with bitcoin or cryptocurrencies. Following the ban, Nigeria saw an 上扬 of 27% in peer-to-peer (P2P) bitcoin transactions across the country.

事实上,就在去年,整个非洲成为了非洲最大的国家 P2P交易 在世界上的体积。 大约在同一时间, Chainalysis reported a global adoption index which showed Nigeria in the top 10 countries worldwide for its adoption of bitcoin.

Moreover, as Dubai and Nigeria look to establish special economic zones to benefit bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, we can take a look at existing economic zones. For instance, the free city of 繁荣 是可定制经济框架的一个例子。 

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志