
By Bitcoin 杂志 - 7 个月前 - 阅读时间:4 分钟不把它卖给拉屎币的人

Shitcoiners have fat bags, really fat bags, really, really fat bags. Two weeks ago I put up for sale to see what responses I would get back. I imagined Roger Ver offering to sell bitcoin dot com in 2013, and what would have happened if another player had bought it. I had a few groups of shitcoiners offer to buy the domain (prob to do some Nostr ICO), but yeah, that wont happen. 


大约三年前,我在 Nostr 上创建了第一个 Twitter 克隆,并开始窃听 Nostr 电报群以购买。 经过几周的窃听后,我硬着头皮卖掉了近 3 个比特币并获得了域名。 该域名在几年内不断恶化,Nostr 项目的初始页面制作不佳。 

今年年初,随着 Nostr 开始获得应有的关注,很明显我们需要一个更好的醒目页面。 我们在该网站上托管了 jeffg 为 创建的优秀网站。 为了充分利用该域名,Fiatjaf 获得了完全控制权,可以在 的子域名上托管大型 nostr 项目(感谢 Fiatjaf)。 作为 Nostr 访问量最大的网站,它显然对于 Clearnet 用户来说是一个非常重要的门户。 

LNbits、Nostr 和 Covid 

Those Covid years were a productive period, as well as the creation of Nostr, a few of us, such as Fiatjaf, Eneko and myself created LNbits, an extension based lightning wallet accounts system, which would make it easy to showcase cutting edge bitcoin functionality. While Nostr was bubbling away and great contributors started building clients that actually worked, I focused all my attention on LNbits. Although not having time to develop on Nostr, I shilled the protocol as much as possible, talking about it in popular bitcoin 播客 and doing the first Nostr talk at HCCP in 2021. 

从 2022 年开始,我们有一些 Nostr LNbits 扩展正在酝酿中,例如简单的一键中继、出售 NIP05 地址的扩展、Nostr 市场扩展(其前身对角巷,是创建 Nostr 协议的影响因素之一) ),以及始终在线的 Nostr 客户端扩展,可以多路复用中继并将注释定向到 LNbits 中的不同扩展(Nostr 市场需要,以便商家可以在客户端不“在线”的情况下生成发票)。 

LNbits was always a hobby project. but as the project evolved and was being used in the wild (even by a bank) it made sense to push hard to get the project out of beta. It was also weird that we were creating a useful accounting tool but not using it in a business context ourselves. With the blessing of the community, LNbits core devs created LNbits Inc, a for-profit arm that would help develop LNbits and provide some useful services, such as a one click launch LNbits software as a service (similar to launching WordPress on, a shop for selling all our DIY bitcoin hardware/swag, and a support service for people wanting to implement LNbits in their stack. We were given a pre-seed by the excellent Max Webster from Hivemind Ventures, which meant 6 of us could work on LNbits full time for a year, to create the services and push to get LNbits out of beta. 


All the Nostrcentric LNbits extensions were given momentum with the Nostrenaissance of early 2023, and we were able to get them ready(ish) to unveil at Nostrica, as well as a hardware Nostr signing device created by Myself, Vlad Stan, Fiatjaf and Stephan Snigrev.

我们使用 Nostr 扩展在 上提供一些服务,这对于我们的 Nostr 扩展的开发是有意义的,类似于我们对 LNbits Inc 所做的事情,因此我计划在接下来的 3 年里给予 LNbits Inc 管理该域名的权利。多年来,通过提供中继服务、NIP05 名称和销售 DIY Nostr 签名设备,最大限度地发挥其实用性。 

Before LNbits Inc seed round, and “officially” passing the rights to the company, I decided to float the domain on the market see if there was someone out there willing to buy the domain. Within the first few days some folks reached out, but after some superficial digging it was clear their intentions might not be honourable. I have worked tirelessly for six years on free and open-source bitcoin software and hardware. All the engineers I have worked with during that period are here for bitcoin’s/Nostr potentiality to create greater liberty and freedom. Nostr WILL change our world for the better, and although I believe can be made more useful, it is imperative can not/will not ever fall into corrupt hands. Having a team managing the domain will help that not happen. I am happy to hand control over to LNbits Inc, and am extremely excited to see more wonderful tools/applications being delivered through it. 

Also check out the excellent Nostr-market update.

Pura Vida. Start wearing purple

This is a guest post by Ben Arc. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin 杂志。

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志