Poolin Bitcoin Mining Hash Rate Share Cut In Half

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟

Poolin Bitcoin Mining Hash Rate Share Cut In Half

Bitcoin mining pool Poolin suspended withdrawals and is suffering for it as nearly 50% of its hash rate looks to have left.

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A few days ago, one of the largest Bitcoin mining pools, Poolin, suspended withdrawals from their wallet service, PoolinWallet, in an effort to 稳定资产并保持流动性。这很重要,因为 1) Poolin 是一家总部位于中国的矿池服务,在采矿禁令之后在中国运营,2) 在暂停提款之前,该矿池的算力估计约为 10%。

Fortunately, there is a simple response for Bitcoin miners worried about PoolinWallet withdrawals and using their mining pool service: switch to another mining pool, a process that takes seconds (as just one example, miners can instantly switch to Slush Pool and set up auto withdrawals). Switching to another pool won’t unfreeze withdrawals from Poolin but it does provide the hash rate market a mechanism to vote with their ASICs in real time and choose a more competitive global pool.

到目前为止,这正是我们过去几天所看到的情况。三个月的矿池分布图显示,矿池拥有 10.5% 的算力。最新的三天数据显示,算力份额下降了一半以上,至 4.83%。三天的视图并不总是能够完美准确地捕获数据,但估计显示出明显的趋势:哈希率使币印矿池处于良好状态。 


Using Glassnode data, we can take the share of Poolin’s Bitcoin block rewards relative to the total market and estimate their share of hash rate on a daily basis, which is a similar method to the above data. Although volatile, we can see Wednesday's daily hash rate share fall to 5.48%, which is the lowest value since the China mining bad period in 2021.

Poolin's estimated daily hash rate share fell to its lowest value since the China mining bad period in 2021.

Total hash rate, using the seven-day moving average, hasn’t moved much at all over the last few days so one assumption is that the hash rate that left Poolin found a new home fairly quickly and stayed online.

使用 7 天移动平均值计算的总哈希率在过去几天没有太大变化。

值得注意的是,币印矿池早在 2020 年 XNUMX 月就宣布与三箭资本合作。



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原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志